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586 lines (350 loc) · 18.2 KB

Radium Changelog


  • Update peerDependencies for React to include 17.

0.26.1 (September 29, 2020)

Dependency Upgrades

  • Bump handlebars from 4.1.2 to 4.5.3 (#1035)
  • Bump elliptic from 6.4.0 to 6.5.3 (#1045)
  • Bump eslint-utils from 1.3.1 to 1.4.3 (#1039)
  • Bump tree-kill from 1.2.0 to 1.2.2 (#1046)
  • Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.1 to 0.1.4 (#1044)
  • Bump fstream from 1.0.11 to 1.0.12 (#1038)
  • Bump sshpk from 1.11.0 to 1.16.1 (#1037)
  • Bump webpack-dev-server from 2.11.1 to 3.1.11 (#1036)
  • Bump is-my-json-valid from 2.16.0 to 2.20.5 (#1048)
  • Bump http-proxy from 1.16.2 to 1.18.1 (#1047)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix initial enhancer state for fn components (#1041)

0.26.0 (September 5, 2019)

Bug Fixes

  • Add hook and forwardRef support (#1027)

Breaking Changes

0.25.2 (June 7, 2019)

Bug Fixes

  • Bump handlebars from 4.0.6 to 4.1.2 (#1026)
  • Fixed bug with undefined _extraRadiumStateKeys (#1025)
  • Update unitless CSS property list and licensing (#1020)

0.25.1 (December 16, 2018)

Bug Fixes

  • Pass snapshot argument to `componentDidUpdate (#1013)


  • Fix console warnings when running examples (#1002)
  • Upgrade karma to 3.0 (#1003)
  • Refactor enhancer for readability (#1004)
  • Replace Isparta with Istanbul (#1011)
  • Prettier (#1012)

0.25.0 (September 16, 2018)

  • Use Reflect to construct es native classes in a way that preserves the value of this used in the constructor. (#999, #1001)
  • Handle multiple animationName props (#909)

0.24.1 (July 9, 2018)

  • Make <StyleSheet> manually update <style> tag DOM, fixing media queries on component level flickering. (#626, #950)

0.24.0 (March 29, 2018)

  • Fix render methods that return array of children or React.Fragment. (#950)
  • Upgrade tests to React 16.2 (for Fragment support)

0.23.0 (March 15, 2018)

  • Support ES7 arrow functions for React class methods. (#738)

0.22.1 (March 1, 2018)

  • Fix keyframes bug from prefixed inline styles. (#973)

0.22.0 (February 9, 2018)

Breaking Changes

  • Radium now exports defaults as .default, so for runtimes like Node.js for all files in lib/**. We have changed package.json:main to point to /index.js instead of /lib/index.js as a convenience wrapper to expose mostly what was there before so behavior of const Radium = require('radium'); works mostly as it did before. Caveats:
    • When using webpack2+ to build code with require('radium') in it you will need to change that to become require('radium').default.
    • Any imports of a default export from a file in lib like const Enhancer = require('radium/lib/enhancer'); will need to be changed to const Enhancer = require('radium/lib/enhancer').default;.
    • We have a full examples repository of how imports work in all likely scenarios that should come up.


  • Add es ESM module export files.


  • Fix package.json:scripts.postinstall task to correctly work for git-based dependencies.

0.21.2 (January 25, 2018)

  • Fix multiple-value prefixed inline styles. (#962, #958, #951)

0.21.1 (January 18, 2018)

  • Call componentDidUpdate() inherited method (#957).

0.21.0 (January 8, 2018)

  • Automatically clear browser state of elements when unmounting and remounting (#956).
    • resolveStyles returns { extraRadiumStateKeys, element } instead of just element.

0.20.1 (January 8, 2018)

  • Fix v0.20.0 build.

0.20.0 (January 8, 2018)

  • Upgrade inline-style-prefixer to version ^4.0.0.

0.19.6 (October 5, 2017)

  • Allow native ES classes to be used with the Radium enhancer.

0.19.5 (October 5, 2017)

  • Enable React 16 in peerDependencies and update tests to React 16.

0.19.4 (July 21, 2017)

  • Remove .babelrc from published npm registry package.

0.19.3 (July 20, 2017)

  • Remove publishr from prod dependencies in npm registry package.

0.19.2 (July 20, 2017)

  • Switch to publishr workflow. (#894, #731, #900)
  • Remove rimraf from prod dependencies in npm registry package.
  • Remove postinstall from scripts in npm registry package. (#794)

0.19.1 (May 17, 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Makes prop-types a dependencies instead of a peerDependencies in package.json per the prop-types integration guide.

0.19.0 (May 15, 2017)


  • Unreverts PropTypes-related diff, which is now a minor version instead of a patch

0.18.4 (May 15, 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Reverts PropTypes-related diff, which should have been a minor version instead of a patch

0.18.3 (May 15, 2017)


  • Update dependencies
  • Update deprecated React syntax in examples
  • Use React "prop-types" package

0.18.2 (March 15, 2017)


  • Update inline-style-prefixer to v2.0.5 (#880).
  • Use React.PureComponent to avoid unnecessary rendering (#868).
  • Update all dependencies

0.18.1 (July 19, 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix unused props warning when passing radiumConfig to StyleRoot (#787).

0.18.0 (July 15, 2016)

Breaking Changes

  • Revert content auto-quoting in Style component (#783).

Bug Fixes

  • Silence React 15.2 unused props deprecation warning (#782).

0.17.2 (July 12, 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix content values in Style component (#719).
  • Improve stateless component check to work with native arrow functions (#771).


  • Add support for :disabled pseudo-class (#689).
  • Add plugin to remove nested style objects and prevent [Object object] from rendering in the DOM (#703).

0.17.1 (March 30, 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Remove babel modules accidentally published as dependencies.


  • Add support for scopeSelector without nested selectors in Style component.

0.17.0 (March 24, 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Upgrade inline-style-prefixer to version 1.0.3 with a fix for display values being removed in IE10.


  • Add TestMode for controlling internal Radium state and behavior during tests.

Breaking Changes

  • inline-style-prefixer has updated vendor prefixes, removing some outdated prefixes like -moz-transform.

0.16.6 (February 9, 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • The lib/ directory did not get built property in 0.16.6. lib/ now contains all changes from 0.16.5.

0.16.5 (January 27, 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Don't merge media query styles, fixes #550
  • Don't add className if empty, fixes #539


  • Passing 'all' as the userAgent will add all prefixes, useful for caching server-rendered pages, thanks @oliviertassinari (this applies to inline styles and style rendered as CSS, but does not yet include adding all the prefixed versions of keyframes)
  • Add support for :visited styles:
const url = '';
const VisitedLink = Radium(() => (
  <a href={url} style={{color: 'gray', ':visited': {color: 'black'}}}>

0.16.4 (January 23, 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • Add px suffix if needed before prefixing, since the list in appendPxIfNeeded does not include prefixed variants
  • Radium now calls toString on values itself, instead of relying on inline-style-prefixer or React to do so (they don't)


  • Much lighter npm install radium by removing babel & co from dependencies before publishing
  • Radium now ignores children or props that are themselves Radium enhanced components, for a nice perf gain. Thanks @spacenick

0.16.3 (January 21, 2016)

  • Published under the test tag, so not installable via npm latest
  • Forgot to add -test to the version
  • See changelog for 0.16.4 instead

0.16.2 (January 8, 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • <StyleSheet/> Component:
    • Bind the private method _onChange to the class instance
    • Wrap setState in setTimeout and keep track of isMounted, #500
    • Remove duplicate declaration of componentWillUnmount and move this._isMounted = true inside componentDidMount
  • Clear up docs around StyleRoot props, clear up issues in #496
  • Properly prefix keyframes: Use inline-style-prefixer’s prefixedKeyframes, #488
  • Ensure unique classname is generated for media query rules (hash on query and ruleCSS string)

0.16.1 (January 5, 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • <StyleRoot> no longer throws an error on unmount

0.16.0 (January 5, 2016)

New Features

  • Server-side rendering for media queries and keyframes!

Breaking Changes

Bug Fixes

  • Don't add extra media query listeners
  • Append px to numeric values on properties that don't accept unitless values


  • Upgrade inline-style-prefixer to version 0.6.2 (Edge support)
  • Better error on duplicate keys
  • Upgrade to Babel 6
  • <Style> adds the scopeSelector to comma separated selectors
  • <Style> now accepts radiumConfig directly with the userAgent field

0.15.3 (November 16, 2015)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix "files" section in package.json, should fix npm install issues

0.15.2 (November 15, 2015)

Bug Fixes

  • IE vender prefix (ms) is now converted to dash-case correctly (-ms), thanks @PallasKatze, fixes #413
  • Super getChildContext is no longer ignored, thanks @richardfickling, fixes #412
  • Update to inline-style-prefixer v0.5.1 and changed the userAgent error to a console.warning

0.15.1 (November 11, 2015)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug where active styles on multiple elements in the same component were not being removed on mouse up, fixes #410

0.15.0 (November 11, 2015)

New Features

  • Radium now uses inline-style-prefixer to do all prefixing. Because inline-style-prefixer relies on the userAgent (similar to autoprefixer), it produces the same prefixes on both the client and the server. This is a huge step in making Radium truly universal (see example). Thanks much to @rofrischmann for putting up with my API suggestions and requests!
  • Any Radium component can also be configured at render time via a radiumConfig. This was mainly required for passing the userAgent during a server-side render.

Breaking Changes

  • Style component no longer supports the prefix prop. It automatically gets the correct userAgent to pass to the prefixer from radiumConfig context

Bug Fixes

  • Radium wrapper now replaces the style propType, if defined, with array or object, fixing #396
  • Stateless components now support context, thanks @ThomWright
  • Static fields on stateless components are now transferred to the Radium wrapper (defualtProps, propTypes, etc)


  • Code has been ES2015-ified: const and let, import/export, fat arrows,
  • Code has moved from modules to src

0.14.3 (October 19, 2015)

Bug Fixes

  • camelCasePropsToDashCase handles uppercase first character correctly, fixing #387

0.14.2 (October 17, 2015)

Bug Fixes

  • :active styles now triggered by space or enter
  • Callback refs are now ignored, fixing #346
  • Heavy use of media queries no longer causes setState on an unmounted component, fixing #382

New Features

  • Stateless components (function taking props) are now supported


  • Updated examples to for React 0.14.0
  • Allow replacing the prefixer used by Radium.keyframes and <Style>

0.14.1 (September 15, 2015)

Bug Fixes

  • Don't require object-assign, which wasn't in normal dependencies

0.14.0 (September 15, 2015)

Breaking Changes

  • Config.setMatchMedia has been replaced by the matchMedia field in the config passed to @Radium (see documentation)

New Features


  • Flatten nested arrays in style, #344, thanks @almost
  • Universal/isomorphic example npm run universal, thanks @jurgob and @moret

Bug Fixes

  • Static properties are now copied again in IE < 10, #349, thanks @bobbyrenwick

0.13.8 (August 24, 2015)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix static class methods disappearing in IE10, #313
  • Fix bug when using spread operator to pass props to a DOM element, #322

0.13.7 (August 5, 2015)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix double resolving bug on props.children, #307

0.13.6 (August 5, 2015)

New Features

  • Resolve styles on elements found in props and children as function, #298
  • <PrintStyleSheet> component and printStyles property to add print styles to your components, #299, thanks @bobbyrenwick


  • Show component name when warning in prefixer, #302, thanks @AnSavvides

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug with _radiumDidResolveStyles that was breaking in React 0.14.0-beta2
  • Un-prefix values before checking isUnitlessNumber, #305, thanks @AnSavvides
  • Prevent errors from getters that do not have setters as static props of React components, #306, thanks @rolandpoulter

0.13.5 (July 29, 2015)


  • Support for old and tweener flexbox syntax, #279, thanks @sylvaingi
  • Only calls console.warn during development, not in production

Bug Fixes

  • Don't call resolveStyles more than once on the same element, #293
  • Allow null or undefined values in style, #263
  • Remove redundant babel-core from dependencies
  • Fix using numeric 0 as key to getState, #275
  • Don't wrap display name with "Radium(...)", #271
  • Fix older firefox missing float property, #277, thanks @bencao
  • Don't warn when mixing transform properties, #272, thanks @MattHauglustaine
  • Use for loop instead of Array prototype on the result of window.getComputedStyle, which was breaking Android web view, #267, thanks @bsbeeks
  • Ignore functions as children instead of blowing up, #265, thanks @Cottin


  • Add test-dev command for faster test feedback during development

0.13.4 (July 14, 2015)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix regression with multiple states (tests were failing) from 0.13.3

0.13.3 (July 13, 2015)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix hotloading component methods, #255, thanks @bobbyrenwick
  • Add displayName to shorthand warning, #253, thanks @bobbyrenwick
  • Warn and ignore null/undefined values, #250, thanks @AnSavvides
  • Don't warn when mixing border & borderRadius, and more shorthand warning updates, #246, thanks @nathanfriemel
  • Remove react from peerDependencies so Radium can be used with the 0.14 beta, #242, thanks @dariocravero
  • Fix transfering defaultProps and friends in IE <11, #241, thanks @bobbyrenwick
  • Don't alias matchMedia, fixes IE <11 bug, #238
  • Stop mutating style state, #237


  • Migrate tests to Karma, #240, thanks @exogen

0.13.2 (June 25, 2015)

Bug Fixes

  • Use console.warn instead of console.warning (duh)

0.13.1 (June 24, 2015)

New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Don't resolve style prop of custom components, e.g. <MyComponent style={...} />, #202 (thanks @azazdeaz)
  • Fix not using dash-case on server with Style, #207
  • Fix server rendering when using fallback array of values (uses first one)
  • Fix numeric fallbacks, #221


  • Update dependencies
  • Warn when mixing longhand and shorthand

0.13.0 (June 7, 2015)

Breaking Changes

  • Radium.wrap and Radium.Enhancer have been merged and moved to Radium(). Just wrap your component, Button = Radium(Button);, or use the decorator @Radium
  • Style component rules prop now takes an object instead of an array

New Features

  • Support fallback values (e.g. #fff for rgba(...))

Bug Fixes

  • Fix react external in webpack config
  • Fix keyframes throwing on IE9 (now does feature detection)
  • Fix windows build
  • string and number children are no longer wrapped in an extraneous <span>

0.12.2 (May 22, 2015)

Breaking Changes


New Features

  • Support prefixing for old flexbox implementations

Bug Fixes

  • Stop using react internals CSSPropertyOperations.createMarkupForStyles, which further reduces the build size

0.12.1 (May 22, 2015)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix Enhancer (displayName, etc) #165
  • Reduce size of distributed build
  • Tests for prefixing, fix #161

0.12.0 (May 16, 2015)

New Features

  • Support for ES6 classes with Radium.Enhancer
  • Vendor-prefixing
  • Keyframes animation helper
  • Radium.getState API

Bug Fixes

  • Fix errors during server-side rendering #141
  • Fix passing a single child or string #139

0.11.1 (April 28, 2015)

Bug Fixes

  • Checked in updated dist files from 0.11.0. Whoops!

0.11.0 (April 28, 2015)

Breaking Changes

  • Complete API rewrite.
    • Added new "Wrap" API.
    • Wrap React component config with Radium.wrap() to automatically add browser state handlers, media query behavior, and array-based style resolution.
  • Removed all mixins.
  • Removed context-based media query behavior.
    • Replaced with global media query handler.
  • Removed modifiers, states, and media queries from style objects.
    • Replaced modifiers with array-based style prop resolution.
    • Replaced states object with inline state keys: :hover
    • Replaced mediaQueries object with inline queries: @media (min-width: 200px)

New Features

  • Apply separate browser state styles to multiple elements in the same component.