###Compilation Instructions using CMake
==== Install CUDD ====
0.1 Make sure CUDD is installed. CUDD can be found at:
0.2 Install CUDD:
./configure --enable-silent-rules --enable-obj --enable-dddmp --prefix=[install location]
sudo make install
If you get an error about aclocal, this might be due to either
a. Not having automake:
sudo apt-get install automake
b. Needing to reconfigure, do this before configuring:
autoreconf -i
==== Install FLEX, BISON ====
0.3 Install flex and bison:
sudo apt-get install flex bison
==== Install SPOT ====
0.5 Spot can be found at:
==== Install LYDIA ====
cd submodules
cd lydia
Follow the instructions to complete the installation of lydia.
==== Build SYFTMAX ====
Make build folder so your directory is not flooded with build files:
mkdir build && cd build
Run CMake to generate the makefile:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
Compile using the generated makefile:
==== Run SYFTMAX ====
Reach executable file Syftmax
cd bin
Run example:
---- Synthesize one single strategy ---- Agn first:
./Syftmax -f ../../example/env.ltlf -p ../../example/test.part
---- Synthesize the maximally permissive strategy ---- Agn first:
./Syftmax -f ../../example/env.ltlf -p ../../example/test.part -m