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81 lines (61 loc) · 4.77 KB


Included tests

There are two different kinds of tests that are included with this repository, unit tests and end to end tests.

Basic setup

There is some tooling that needs to be in place for the tests to be able to run, the basics are listed below

  • Git - you can install either the build-essential meta package on Debian based distros or the package group called 'Development Tools' on RHEL based distros and that will get you git. Otherwise, you can install Git separately as well.
  • Make - the above meta package/package group will also include make but it can also be installed separately.
  • Go - go can be installed from the golang website; the tests are confirmed working on Go version 1.19
  • iptables - in case the tests are being run in a minimal environment, iptables can be obtained from the default package manager for the distro; it is likely that it is already installed on the system

For the end to end tests, a successful build is also required. A build can be triggered by running make build.

Networking setup

The tests commonly reference network interfaces called eth1 and eth2. It is encouraged that tests be run in an environment where eth1 and eth2 do not exist and are not being used for any critical workloads because the state of these interfaces will be modified by the tests.

Accordingly, a dummy eth1 interface can be created by running ip link add eth1 type dummy. Likewise for the eth2 interface. Elevated privilege (sudo) might be necessary to run the commands. The existing interfaces can be checked at any time using ip link show and the dummy interfaces can be cleaned up by running ip link delete eth1 and ip link delete eth2. The cleanup commands might also require elevated privileges.

The pretest step in the e2e.yaml does this exactly, brings up (enables) the interface, and also (optionally) sets the MTU to match the MTU value that we commonly set for AWS networking interfaces.

This does mean that the tests will only run on Linux distros that support creating dummy interfaces via the ip command.


The unit tests can be run using make unit-test and the end to end tests can be run using make e2e-test.

There are also some specific Make targets included to help with more directed testing. These are included in the table below

Target Description
appmesh-unit-test Run only the aws-appmesh plugin unit tests
ecs-serviceconnect-unit-test Run only the ecs-serviceconnect plugin unit tests
vpc-branch-eni-e2e-tests Run only the vpc-branch-eni plugin end to end tests
vpc-tunnel-e2e-tests Run only the vpc-tunnel plugin end to end tests
appmesh-e2e-tests Run only the aws-appmesh plugin end to end tests
ecs-serviceconnect-e2e-test Run only the ecs-serviceconnect plugin end to end tests


If you're running VS Code, here is a sample launch.json that can help set up debugging for the tests. This uses the vscode-go extension.

Something to note is that since these tests run with elevated privileges, it is always a good idea to not stop a test in the middle of execution because it might leave behind resources and/or configuration that needs cleaned up.

The computed CNI path input is a prompt from VSCode that gives users the chance to modify the path where all the CNI plugin binaries reside. By default, it is <workspace_folder>/build/<os>_<arch>. The default build path assumes linux on x86_64 architecture but it can be changed via this prompt.

  // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
  // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
  // For more information, visit:
  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "Debug e2e test",
      "type": "go",
      "request": "launch",
      "mode": "auto",
      "program": "${fileDirname}",
      "asRoot": true,
      "console": "integratedTerminal",
      "buildFlags": "-tags=e2e_test",
      "env": {
        "CNI_PATH": "${input:computedCniPath}"
  "inputs": [
      "id": "computedCniPath",
      "description": "Optional, the path to the CNI plugin build in case the OS or the arch are different.",
      "type": "promptString",
      "default": "${workspaceFolder}${pathSeparator}build${pathSeparator}linux_amd64"