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Superfluous empty space at the bottom of notebook #7455

soerenwolfers opened this issue Sep 9, 2024 · 4 comments

Superfluous empty space at the bottom of notebook #7455

soerenwolfers opened this issue Sep 9, 2024 · 4 comments


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Way too much empty space at the bottom of notebooks in Jupyter Notebook 7.


1: Create new notebook
2: Create empty cells to fill the screen
2: Scroll down (by letting your mouse wheel run free, if you have such a mouse wheel).
3: Your entire screen is now filled with empty space and you have to scroll back up by hand to get to what you wanted: the last cell.


Expected behavior

Same as any other text editor: scroll to the bottom of the existing content.



  • Operating System and version: Ubuntu 22.04,
  • Browser and version: Chrome 126
  • Jupyter Notebook version: 7.1.1
Troubleshoot Output



3.10.12 (main, Nov 20 2023, 15:14:05) [GCC 11.4.0]


which -a jupyter:

pip list:
Package Version Editable project location
----------------------------------- --------------- -------------------------
adbc-driver-manager 1.1.0
adbc-driver-postgresql 1.1.0
aiofiles 23.2.1
aiohttp 3.9.3
aiosignal 1.3.1
annotated-types 0.7.0
ansi2html 1.9.1
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armada_client 0.3.4
arrow 1.3.0
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async-lru 2.0.4
async-timeout 4.0.3
attrs 23.2.0
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beautifulsoup4 4.12.3
benchmark 0.1
bleach 6.1.0
Brotli 1.1.0
bson 0.5.10
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cachetools 5.4.0
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cffi 1.16.0
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clipboard 0.0.4
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comm 0.2.1
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cryptography 42.0.5
cycler 0.12.1
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decorator 5.1.1
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dill 0.3.8
docker 7.1.0
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EasyProcess 1.1
entrypoint2 1.1
et-xmlfile 1.1.0
exceptiongroup 1.2.0
execnet 2.1.1
executing 2.0.1
fastjsonschema 2.19.1
filelock 3.15.4
Flask 2.1.2
fonttools 4.49.0
fqdn 1.5.1
frozenlist 1.4.1
ghdiff 0.4
google-auth 2.33.0
graphviz 0.20.1
greenlet 3.0.3
grpcio 1.58.0
grpcio-tools 1.58.0
gssapi 1.8.3
h11 0.14.0
hdfs 2.7.3
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httpx 0.27.0
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itsdangerous 2.1.2
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Jinja2 3.1.3
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json5 0.9.17
jsonpointer 2.4
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krb5 0.5.1
kubernetes 30.1.0
llvmlite 0.42.0
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pydantic_core 2.18.2
Pygments 2.17.2
PyJWT 2.8.0
pyodbc 5.1.0
pyparsing 3.1.1
pyperclip 1.9.0
pyppmd 1.1.0
pyright 1.1.374
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SQLAlchemy 2.0.32
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@soerenwolfers soerenwolfers added bug status:Needs Triage Applied to issues that need triage labels Sep 9, 2024
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RRosio commented Sep 10, 2024

Thank you for opening this issue @soerenwolfers! I was able to reproduce this in Notebook 7.1.1 myself, but not with Notebook 7.2.2. Would you be able to test to see if you experience this issue with the latest Notebook version?

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7.2.2 didn't help for me:
Screenshot from 2024-09-10 20-21-52

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@RRosio any more info needed?

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RRosio commented Sep 17, 2024

Thank you for the update @soerenwolfers!

I'll go ahead and accept this! I'll just add a note here with more information about the steps I took to try to reproduce in case someone else want to try doing so as well.

Chrome Version: 128

  1. Installed Notebook 7.1.1
  2. Followed steps above in Reproduce section (I was able to reproduce the empty space at the bottom)
  3. Installed Notebook 7.2.2
  4. Empty Cache and Hard Reload
  5. Followed steps above in Reproduce section (I was no longer able to reproduce the empty space at the bottom)

@RRosio RRosio removed status:Needs Info status:Needs Triage Applied to issues that need triage labels Sep 17, 2024
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