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pymcuprog - Python MCU programmer

pymcuprog is a Python utility for programming various Microchip MCU devices using Microchip CMSIS-DAP based debuggers


pymcuprog is used as a command line interface:

pymcuprog [switches] action

Actions (commands)

The only manadatory positional argument specifies the action:

Memory access actions

Read the device ID or signature:

Also functions as a 'connectivity check'


Read memories from a device:


Write memories to a device:

NB: Does NOT erase before write!


Erase memories on a device:


Read out memories from a device and compare:


Voltage-related actions

Read the actual (sampled) VTG voltage from a kit or debugger:


Read the supply voltage set-point from a kit or debugger:


Set the supply voltage set-point from a kit or debugger:

Use -l literal to specify voltage


Read the USB voltage from a kit or debugger:


Other misc actions

Reset the application (by entering and leaving programming mode):


Reboot the debugger:


Convert Intel® hex file to UF2 file


Memory types

Memory types may vary depending on the device in question.

Specify the memory type using -m MEMORY or --memory MEMORY

Supported memory types


Optional arguments and switches

Administrative arguments

-h, --help
    show this help message and exit

-V, --version
    Print pymcuprog version number and exit

-R, --release-info
    Print pymcuprog release details and exit

General arguments

-d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
    device to program

-p PACKPATH, --packpath PACKPATH
    path to pack (DFP) to use - mandatory for any action when using a PIC device.
    Packs can be installed usign MPLABX Pack Manager (use Tools->Packs)
    Pack path is displayed in the status bar.
    Packs can be downloaded and unzipped from

-t TOOL, --tool TOOL
    tool to connect to
    supported tools include:
    - uart (for serialUPDI).  Use -u argument to specify which serial port to use.
    - nedbg (PKOB nano / debugger on Curiosity Nano)
    - pickit4
    - snap
    - atmelice
    - powerdebugger
    - edbg (debugger on Xplained Pro/Ultra)
    - medbg (debugger on Xplained Mini/Nano)
    - JTAGICE3 (firmware version 3.0 or newer)

    USB serial number of the unit to use

-v {debug,info,warning,error,critical},
--verbose {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
    Logging verbosity level

-x, --timing
    add timing output

Memory access arguments

-o OFFSET, --offset OFFSET
    memory byte offset to access
    Defaults to 0 (start of memory section)
    Only applies to literal and binary-file operations

-b BYTES, --bytes BYTES
    number of bytes to read
    Ignored for write operations (cannot be used to truncate a write)
    Defaults to entire memory section size
    Requires that a memory section is specified

-l LITERAL [LITERAL ...], --literal LITERAL [LITERAL ...]
    literal value(s) to write

-f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
    file to write / read.

    A specified filename which has .hex extension will be treated as Intel hex
    format; all other file extensions are treated as binary files.

    When writing from a .hex file, the memory segment addresses are read from
    the file, so the OFFSET argument is not allowed.

    When reading to an Intel hex file, only eeprom, flash, fuses, config_words,
    and user_row memories will be written

    Hex file offsets are actual memory section locations for PIC and SAM devices.
    AVR device offsets in hex files are (handled by the toolchain):
    - flash 0x000000
    - eeprom 0x810000
    - fuses 0x820000
    - lockbits 0x830000
    - signatures 0x840000
    - user signatures 0x850000

    verify content after write (by readback and compare)

    erase device before write (equivalent to pymcuprog erase)
    This switch is valid only when writing from an Intel hex file.
    A chip erase / bulk erase will be executed before write - note that not all memories will be erased:
    for example EEPROM may be preserved on AVR devices if the EESAVE fuse bit is set.

Programming interface arguments

    Programming interface to use

-c CLK, --clk CLK
    clock frequency in Hz or baud rate in bps for programming interface.
    (eg: '-c 32768' or '-c 115k' or '-c 1M')

-u UART, --uart UART
    UART to use for serialUPDI tool (when using -t uart)

Special-function UPDI arguments

-H {tool-toggle-power,user-toggle-power,simple-unsafe-pulse},
--high-voltage {tool-toggle-power,user-toggle-power,simple-unsafe-pulse}
    UPDI high-voltage activation mode

-U, --user-row-locked-device
    Writes the User Row on a locked device

-C, --chip-erase-locked-device
    Execute a Chip Erase on a locked device

Utility arguments

--uf2file UF2FILE
    Name of UF2 file to generate


Examples of using pymcuprog:

# Ping a device on a kit (checks connectivity by reading its signature):
pymcuprog ping

# Ping a device using Atmel-ICE (standalone debugger requires more information):
pymcuprog ping -t atmelice -d atmega4809 -i updi

# Erase and program memories from an Intel hex file using PICkit4:
pymcuprog write -t pickit4 -d atmega4809 -i updi -f myfile.hex --erase

# Read 64 bytes of flash from offset 0x80 in flash memory space:
pymcuprog read -m flash -o 0x80 -b 64

# Write literal values 0x01, 0x02 to EEPROM at offset 16 on a kit:
pymcuprog write -m eeprom -o 16 -l 0x01 0x02

# Write fuse byte 1 to 0xE0 on a kit:
pymcuprog write -m fuses -o 1 -l 0xE0

# Erase a device on a kit:
pymcuprog erase

# Erase a locked device on a kit (UPDI only):
pymcuprog erase --chip-erase-locked-device

# Reset a device on a kit (by entering and leaving programming mode):
pymcuprog reset

# Read the actual (sampled) VTG voltage from a kit or debugger:
pymcuprog getvoltage

# Set target supply voltage on a kit (voltage provided by -l literal argument):
pymcuprog setsupplyvoltage -l 3.3

# Convert Intel hex file to UF2 file (--uf2file argument is optional)
pymcuprog makeuf2 -f myfile.hex --uf2file newfile.uf2

serialUPDI usage

SerialUPDI (also known as 'pyupdi') is implemented as a tool in pymcuprog.

To use it:

  • connect a resistor between a serial port adapter's RX, TX and the UPDI pin as shown in the readme
  • specify uart tool using the switch: '--tool uart'
  • specify which serial port to use using the switch '--uart {serialport}'
  • optionally specify the baud rate using the switch '--clk {baud}'
  • optionally specify the uart read timeout using the switch '--uart-timeout {timeout}'
  • use the basic actions for accessing memories as shown above


# Ping a device using serialUPDI:
pymcuprog ping -t uart -u COM42 -d atmega4809

# Erase a device using serialUPDI:
pymcuprog erase -t uart -u COM42 -d atmega4809

# Erase and program memories from an Intel hex file using serialUPDI:
pymcuprog write -t uart -u COM42 -d atmega4809 -f myfile.hex --erase