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Oriel Sanchez orielsanchez

San Diego, CA

Lucas Guiss Gusmão lucasguiss

CI&T Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

Ayden Armstrong aydenarmst

Washington State university Seattle

goldstar kkamikoon
I'm interested in develop and research any security techs 🕵️‍♂️. Also I enjoy cooking🍖, taking pics📸, and traveling.

SecondSyndrome Seoul

Henrique Sebastião henriquesebastiao
Desenvolvedor back-end, técnico de redes, músico, entusiasta em hardware, radioamadorismo e segurança.

Mato Grosso - Brasil

Vinicius Jimenez vinniciusJ
Estudante do curso de Técnico em Informática no IFPR, Campus Foz do Iguaçu

Instituo Federal do Paraná Foz do Iguaçu - PR, Brasil

Daejung Kim daejungkim
Software Engineer

LG Electronics Inc.

Prakhar Nagpal slightlybelowzen
I build stuff. I complete it sometimes.

Imperial College London London, United Kingdom

Gichana GichanaMayaka
Playing my part in bringing about the Technological Singularity

Navari Ltd Nairobi, Kenya

Uday techUdayMungalpara
Hobbyist developer


Mattia Tezzele mrzool
low-tech proponent

Deutsche Filmakademie e.V. Berlin

飞白 F1yingWhite
cool man


Léo Biscassi leobiscassi

Jungle Scout São Paulo, Brazil

Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Philip Ndikum philip-ndikum
Quantitative & Engineering Leadership.


James E T Smith jamesETsmith
Director of HPC Engineering @qognitive. Formerly HPC @emusolutions, postdoc @flatironinstitute working on quantum chemistry and @pyscf

@qognitive NYC

听牛哥一言 farfun

farfarfun Hangzhou

Kaan sdfgsdfgd
Frontend & Android Dev


Pedro Henrick ph777z

@GTI-PB-Desenvolvimento João Pessoa, PB


United Kingdom

Jerome jeromeandrewong


Sergio Sánchez Zavala chekos
data engineer. public policy wonk. Hip Hop head. tijuana, baja california, méxico -> san francisco bay area, ca, usa

@tacosdedatos San Francisco Bay Area

Passionate and deeply curious about understanding the world through the lens of Computer Science.

Denver, CO

Tuomas Tikkanen tuomastik-artific

Artific.AI Helsinki, Finland

Will Sturgeon wrsturgeon
CS+CogSci @ UPenn

University of Pennsylvania Pasadena, CA

Mahmoud Housam MahmoudHousam
Data Engineering | Python Dev.

Magdi Yacoub Global Heart Foundation Aswan, Egypt

Success Kingsley xosnrdev
Rewriting it in rust 🦀


Jiho Lee DPS0340
Think Rust!

@MondrianAI @SW-Maestro-OSS Seoul, Republic of Korea