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dont know what im doing 87% of the time
Rida Sbaa ridasbaa
Software Developer


Nik Myers elecblue
Humble software developer, graphic designer, student, and producer of music. Inspired by @KalleZ since time immemorial.

@Electric-Blue-Development Orlando, FL

Cyber Threat Defence Center cybersecurity-dev
Cyber Security Solutions

KU Leuven - Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography Belgium

Oskai ahmedatigui
It's good to be king!

Literally on cloud 9

Kun-Lin Lee LeeKLTW
NLP Engineer

Taipei, Taiwan

SAIF003 saifeddineelhanoune
Title: Specialized Technician in Computer Development | Student in Digital Technology Architecture at 1337 (42 Network)


Jose Sa jose-a-sa
PhD candidate in Mathematical Sciences at Durham University. Studying deformations of brane tiling models.

Durham University London, UK

Ananaseek AnanasikDev
Computer Game Developer


Gabriel Morales gmorales08
Studying computer science and informatic engineering.

Madrid, Spain

Jordi Gauchía jgauchia

hobbist & maker Terrassa

Pepe Chorva pepechorva
Hi there! I'm using GitHub!


王俊山 viiv
coffee in, code out

Tencent 中国成都

Patrick F. Mendoza PatrickPringles
We are the masters of our own fate.


Matteo Girardi matteo-girardi

NTP Technology Pale Blue Dot

Muhammad Mesum Raza algorise
As a tech enthusiast and with a dev mindset I love to develop new things. My interest lies in ai and cyber security.


Simone SimoneN64
Firmware developer. Curious about emulation, low level hardware and graphics.


北辰 bugxch
AI engineer

Shanghai, China

Navdeep nchattha
C/C++ Software Engineer | Safety Critical System | Emerging Technology | Python Enthusiast


Stefan fanelaru
SW developer


Alfredo Neto JarnDev
FullStack/ML developer. with a passion for solving problems and learn new things. I am easy to go with, and I am aways learning no matter what.

JarnDev Salvador, Bahia, Brasil