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153 lines (97 loc) · 6.66 KB

File metadata and controls

153 lines (97 loc) · 6.66 KB


  • [add] add pkg.module as helpful hint for compilers.


  • [change] update now has this signature: update(...args: any[]), and default impl does a queueRender to be more provide more intuitive behaviour.


  • [add] tagName to IComponentStatics.
  • [change] observedAttributes is now optional in IComponentStatics.


  • [change] render immediately on connected, instead of queueRender, to have more intuitive and predictable behavior. One can always override connected and change the behavior.


  • [add] IComponentStatics, so observedAttributes are typed.


  • [fix] attr return type as any.


  • Lots of internal changes. Massive simplification, and better mixin architecture, and the core should now support extending any classes like HTMLElement derived classes like HTMLDivElement, etc.


  • [change] State management methods have been removed entirely. They are simple enough that the application can choose to write them manually. So much so that, in most change it wouldn't even be a breaking change. So no need to keep them in the core interfaces.
  • [remove] update, dispatch



    • Component now only refers to the plain component with a renderer that does nothing.
    • ComponentFn follows the same convention as above.
    • Dedicated components are prefixed - for instance, LitComponent refers to the component impl that uses lit-html, ReactComponent for react, etc.
    • Being explicit seems to make the codebase less confusing and lot better to work with.
    • support adapters no longer export icomponent primitives. For the advantage of saving adding one dependency manually, this only added more confusion than worth. The semantics are just simpler to add it and use it manually if needed.
  • [internal]

    • core - an internal module for the base interfaces and methods
    • component - provides the default Component impl and ComponentFn


  • [add] default observedAttributes
  • [change] [ts] make attr params optional


  • [change] more generic typing-fu for better ergonomics. ComponentFn now works better.


  • [change] Better and more ergonomic type definitions


  • [BREAKING] The following have been renamed to simplify things:
    • IComponentCore -> ComponentCore
    • IComponent -> Component
    • IComponentFn -> ComponentFn
  • [change] The project is now re-written in TypeScript, providing the I prefixed versions as interfaces.


  • [add] Introduced renderBegin and renderEnd methods.
  • [add] ComponentRenderer that extends Renderer and calls the above render cycle methods.


  • [add] attr method on IComponent that's a helper for raw html attributes.


  • [BREAKING] IComponentFn now passes in the component itself rather than just this.attributes. This is simpler, provides more control, and is more performant.


  • [BREAKING] Almost complete rewrite. The following changes have been done.
    • There are no longer IElement and IComponent. It's now simplified. IComponentCore which is baseless class, and IComponent is a class that inherits HTMLElement. IComponentCore can be utilized to make lightweight virtual components.
    • Renderer is now handles all the rendering logic, which is a cheap per-instance object created through createRenderer
    • createRender is now a creates a Renderer per instance.
    • utils have been removed. They are largely redundant, but created as helpers, but scraped to remove unnecessary API surface.
    • IFnComponent is now IComponentFn
    • Previously, IDefault only the rendering helpers, it's contents are now inside Renderer, which is far more appropriate.
    • Since IComponentCore is now a baseless, class, any object can be made to extend it either with inheritance, or with IComponentCore.extend - The latter also requires calling IComponentCore.init inside the constructor.


  • [BREAKING] renderNow method is now just called render. queueRender and render is obvious enough, and shorter form is just nicer in large codebases.

  • [BREAKING] From v2, since CustomElement require a reasonably modern browser anyway, es5 modules are no longer provided. Previously, icomponent provided both es6 modules, that can be accessed as icomponent/lib, and cjs, by default. Also had pkg.module defined for es6 bundlers, like webpack. This no longer holds. So, if you use polyfills and use an older browser that doesn't support es6, you should to set your bundler configs to let icomponent transpile to es5.

  • [BREAKING] render event is no no emitted by default, and _postRender (which is a bit redundant anyway due to rendered) has been removed. Since this observation is not required in most cases, it makes sense for components that need it to manually override rendered and dispatch the event.


  • [fix] Incorrect function call for functional components


  • [fix] A bug that caused functional components to always implement the default IElement. It now works correctly.
  • [change] Functional components now implement IComponent instead of just IElement


  • [add] Supported adaptors for react, hyperhtml and lit-html.


  • [BREAKING] This is a minor, but breaking release, due to an immediate, small rename.

    • registerTag -> defineTag
    • register -> defineComponents

    This helps staying closer to standard customElements.define naming conventions.


  • [BREAKING] This is a minor, but breaking release, due to an immediate, small rename.
    • IConfig -> IDefault to better reflect intention.


  • [BREAKING] The project is now called icomponent.

    • LiteElement -> IElement
    • LiteComponent -> IComponent
    • LiteFn -> IFnComponent

    Everything else remains the same.


  • [BREAKING] The following methods have been renamed while retaining the same semantics.

    • load -> connected
    • unload -> disconnected
    • attrChanged -> attributeChanged

    This has been done to not only stay in line with DOM spec, but also to avoid misconceptions due to the name such as load. connected does not mean the component is fully loaded. It just means it's connected to the DOM tree.


  • [change] A render event is now emitted on after every render. This is useful for external components to know when a render has occurred. This can also be used to execute code once on immediate next render, without having to hook into rendered method.

  • [note] The above can easily be disabled by overriding the _postRender method.