Programs for Data Structures in Java
p1: Introduction to classes, constructors, and data manipulation through methods.
Includes the following methods:
addItem, loadItems, removeValue, removeAtIndex, findInterSection, findUnion,
findRelativeComplement, isSubsetOf, hasElement, getNextPrime, isPrime, isEven,
checkForResize, toString, toPower
p2: Introduction to generic data, recursion, sorting, and methods for manipulating array objects.
Includes the following methods:
swapValues, getValue, setValue, compareTo, findRelativeComplementOfThisSetIn,
toStringHelper, copyArray, runBubbleSort, runSelectionSort, runInsertionSort,
p3: Introduction to recursive sorting algorithms.
Includes the following methods:
runMergeSort, runMergeSortHelper, runMerge, runQuickSort, runQuickSortHelper,
runPartition, runSHellSort, loadRands, generateRandBetween, arrayToString
p4: Introduction to recursive backtracking.
Methods include:
findSum, findSumHelper, isInBounds, displayStatus, uploadData, getALine, getAnInt,
p5: Implementing a stack and queue data structure.
Methods include:
enqueue, dqueue, peekFront, isEmpty, checkForReSize, clear, updateHeadIndex,
updateTailIndex, push, pop, peekTop
p6: Implementing a Linked List iterator and queue as a Linked List.
Methods include:
clear, displayList, getDataAtCursor, getRefBeforeCursor, insertAfterCursor,
insertBeforeCursor, isAtEndOfList, isEmpty, moveNext, removeDataAtCursor,
setToFirstItem, setToLastItem,dequeue, enqueue, peekFront
p7: Implementing a binary search tree
Methods include:
clearTree, isEmpty, outputInOrder, outputPostOrder, outputPreOrder, search,
removeFromMin, removeNode, insert, copy
p8: Implementing a 2-3 tree
Methods include:
addItem, addAndOrganizeData, fixUpInsert, inOrderTraversal, search, foundInNode
p9: Implementing a heap for emulating processes in an operating system
Methods include:
removeItem, isEmpty, checkForResize, bubbleupArrayHeap, addItem, setDisplayFlag
trickleDownArrayHeap, showArray, setQueueEntryValue, getPriorityValue, getNumCycles
p10: Implementing a hash table
Methods include:
accessLinkedData, addItem, appendToList, clearHashTable, countNodes, findItem,
generateHash, removeItem, showHashTableStatus, uploadData, getALine, getAnInt,
getADouble, getACharInt, compareString, charInString