Releases: Argonne-National-Laboratory/pyoptmat
pyoptmat version 1.3.5
This release collects several minor fixes and updates.
pyoptmat v1.3.4
This applies the fixes to the sphinx documentation so that the readthedocs stable will be caught up.
pyoptmat v1.3.3
This version catches the release up with various improvements completed over the summer of 2023.
Additionally, it adds a significant new feature to the ODE integration routines: the ability to include the initial conditions in the parameter set and calculate the sensitivities with the adjoint method.
What's Changed
- Adds ability to scale data based on test type by @reverendbedford in #28
- Removed all in place operators by @reverendbedford in #29
- Adjoint for initial conditions by @reverendbedford in #30
- Fixes damage models by @reverendbedford in #31
Full Changelog: v1.3.2...v1.3.3
pyoptmat v1.3.2
Adds time-chunked backward passes for both forward and backward Euler integration.
pyoptmat v1.3.1
Minor release to propagate the doc fixes into the stable version.
pyoptmat v1.3.0
This release adds additional options for solving the batched, blocked linear systems setup by the chunked time integration routines. Specifically, this release adds an option to use Parallel Cyclic Reduction (PCR) instead of Thomas's algorithm. Switching from Thomas (default) to PCR can further speed up time integration for smaller ODE systems.
Version 1.2.0
New version adds batched time integration, which can speed up model inference by a factor of 5x or more.
Version 1.1.3
This is a simple bugfix version that corrects to point to the right test and doc badges.
Version 1.1.2
First full release including all the features described in the package documentation.