Demo project for kabisa coding assignment.
- Java 17
- Maven
- Postgres
- Spring boot
- Webflux
- Liquibase
- Sleuth
- Lombok
Testing frameworks
- Spock
- WireMock
- Testcontainers
How to run the application.
- Make sure Docker desktop is running
- Build jar
clean package
- Build and run docker images
docker-compose up
Api consists of REST and graphql endpoints.
REST endpoint documentation can be found at :
Graphql endpoint (localhost:8080/graphql
) can be called with example query:
DB is empty on initialization, user first has to retrieve a random quote using the endpoint.
Every time a random quote is retrieved, it is saved in the DB.
For some reason graphql controller keeps showing up in swagger ui. Using @Hidden does not seem to work. Seems te be a known issue :