Create database invoice_management.
docker build -t xiana_showcase -f docker/db.dockerfile .
docker run --name xiana_showcase -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=curve25519 -p 5433:5432 -d xiana_showcase
docker start xiana_showcase
You will need to run PostgREST in one terminal, Xiana in a second terminal and nginx in another terminal.
Download the lein script (or on Windows lein.bat if you don't use WSL) Place it on your $PATH where your shell can find it (eg. /usr/local/bin/) Set it to be executable (sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/lein) Run it (lein) and it will download the self-install package
brew install leiningen
go to invoices folder
cd invoices
lein run
It will download the dependencies of the project the first time. Then start the project, the server. It adds migrations table and sessions table.
The secret key need to be at leat 32 characters long.
echo "jwt-secret = \"$(LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9' </dev/urandom | head -c32)\"" >> postgrest.conf
postgrest postgrest.conf
For Debian-based Linux
sudo apt install nginx-core
For Mac OS
brew install nginx
Is a web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy.
Run nginx:
sudo nginx -c /path-to-your-repo/postgrest-xiana-showcase/nginx.conf
sudo nginx -c nginx.conf
Check nginx is running:
sudo systemctl status nginx
To reload some configuration from the nginx.conf file You can run:
sudo pkill nginx
sudo nginx -c /Users/jacobocordova/Documents/GitHub/postgrest-xiana-showcase/nginx.conf
To check if there is something already running on some port:
sudo netstat -nlp | grep :80
We will be using a Ruby script to generate a JWT token.
sudo apt-get install ruby-full
Install jwt
sudo gem install jwt
Generate JWT token
ruby gen-jwt.rb <user> <role>
For example:
ruby gen-jwt.rb user1 web_user
During development, you can verify your JWT Token here:
Depends on httpie cli
Run the sample request in rest.http