GuiltySpark is an oracle that can help guide you through the flood outbreak, GuiltySpark is also an oracle that pushes asset prices to the chain.
We use JS Standard, please install eslint and correct ESLint errors where reasonable.
Simply use
npm i && npm run full
If you're not using a public node please also make sure TestRPC is running.
Returns a list of supported assets
Returns a list of the datapoints used in aggrigation
Get a list of the market data over HTTP
You can also access market data in real time via websockets. E.g.
const WebSocket = require('ws')
const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:3009')
ws.on('message', function incoming(data) {
Returns an asset from the oracle
returns (uint, uint, uint, uint) // bid, ask, last, time
Returns a list of assets from the oracle
returns (bytes8[], uint[], uint[], uint[], uint) // assets, bids, asks, lasts, time
Update the oracle prices
Selfdestruct the oracle contract
Fair oracle can be run in liteMode
to conserve gas by only updating the last market price instead of including bid
and ask
as well.