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Dockerfile(s) to support ML, CV, NLP research and development, providing CUDA, TensorFlow, PyTorch and OpenCV


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CTPO: CUDA + TensorFlow + PyTorch + OpenCV Docker containers

Latest release: 20240421

Dockerfiles to build containers with support for CPU and GPU (NVIDIA CUDA) containers with support for TensorFlow, PyTorch and OpenCV (or combinations of), based on nvidia/cuda and Ubuntu 22.04 container images.

The tool's purpose is to enable developers, ML and CV enthusiasts to build and test solutions FROM a docker container, allowing fast prototyping and release of code to the community.

The CTPO (CUDA + TensorFlow + PyTorch + OpenCV) project aims to address the following challenges and provide solutions:

  • Containerized Development Environment: CTPO offers Docker containers with pre-configured environments containing CUDA, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and OpenCV. This allows developers to work within a consistent and isolated environment.
  • Fast Prototyping and Testing: The project facilitates fast prototyping and testing by providing pre-built containers. Developers can quickly iterate on their code within the containerized environment.
  • Versioned Frameworks and Dependencies: The project uses versioned Docker containers, making it easier for developers to work with specific versions of TensorFlow, PyTorch, OpenCV, and other components.
  • Jupyter Lab Integration: CTPO includes Jupyter Lab builds, allowing developers to use a web-based interface for interactive development, visualization, and documentation.

Building each container independently is made possible by the Dockerfile available in the BuildDetails/<release>/<container>-<tag> directories. Building each container takes resources and time (counted in many cores, GB of memory and build hours).

Pre-built containers are available from Infotrend Inc.'s Docker account at Details on the available container and build are discussed in this document.

A Jupyter Lab and Unraid version of this WebUI-enabled version are also available on our Docker Hub, as well as able to be built from the Makefile.

Note: this tool was built earlier in 2023, iterations of its Jupyter Lab were made available to Infotrend's data scientists, and we are releasing it to help the developer community.

1. Builds and Notes

The base for those container images is pulled from Dockerhub's official ubuntu:22.04 or nvidia/cuda:[...]-devel-ubuntu22.04 images.

More details on the Nvidia base images are available at In particular, please note that "By downloading these images, you agree to the terms of the license agreements for NVIDIA software included in the images"; with further details on DockerHub version from

For GPU-optimized versions, you will need to build the cuda_ versions on a host with the supported hardware. When using GPU and building the container, you need to install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit found at Note that your NVIDIA video driver on your Linux host needs to support the version of CUDA that you are trying to build (you can see the supported CUDA version and driver version information when running the nvidia-smi command)

For CPU builds, simply build the non-cuda_ versions.

Pre-built images are available for download on Infotrend's DockerHub (at Those are built using the same method provided by the Makefile and the corresponding Dockerfile used for those builds is stored in the matching BuildDetails/<release>/<container>-<tag> directory.

1.1. Tag naming conventions

The tag naming convention follows a _-components split after the base name of infotrend/ctpo- followed by the "release" tag (Docker container images are always lowercase). - is used as a feature separator, in particular for jupyter or unraid specific builds. Any cuda_ build is a GPU build while all non-cuda_ ones are CPU only.

For example, for infotrend/ctpo-tensorflow_pytorch_opencv:2.12.0_2.0.1_4.7.0-20231120, this means: "base name"-"component1"_"compoment2"_"component3":"component1_version"_"component2_version"_"component3_version"-"release" with:

  • base name=infotrend/ctpo-
  • component1 + component1_version = tensorflow 2.12.0
  • component2 + component2_version = pytorch 2.0.1
  • component3 + component3_version = opencv 4.7.0
  • release=20231120 As such, this was "Infotrend's CTPO release 20231120 with TensorFlow 2.12.0, PyTorch 2.0.1, and OpenCV 4.7.0 without any CUDA support." (Since no cuda_ was part of the name, this is a CPU build)

Similarly, infotrend/ctpo-jupyter-cuda_tensorflow_pytorch_opencv-unraid:11.8.0_2.12.0_2.0.1_4.7.0-20231120 can be read as:

  • base name=infotrend/ctpo-
  • feature1 = jupyter
  • component1 + component1_version = cuda 11.8.0
  • component2 + component2_version = tensorflow 2.12.0
  • component3 + component3_version = pytorch 2.0.1
  • component4 + component4_version = opencv 4.7.0
  • feature2 = unraid
  • release=20231120 "Infotrend's CTPO release 20231120 with a Jupyter Lab and Unraid specific components with PyTorch 2.0.1, OpenCV 4.7.0 and GPU (CUDA) support."

There will be a variable number of components or features in the full container name as shown above. It is left to the end user to follow the naming convention.

1.2. Building

Type make to get the list of targets and some details of the possible builds. Below you will see the result of this command for the 20231120 release:

**** Docker Image tag ending: 20231120
**** Docker Runtime: GPU
  To switch between GPU/CPU: add/remove "default-runtime": "nvidia" in /etc/docker/daemon.json then run: sudo systemctl restart docker

*** Available Docker images to be built (make targets):
  build_tpo (requires CPU Docker runtime):
    tensorflow_opencv OR pytorch_opencv OR tensorflow_pytorch_opencv (aka TPO, for CPU):
  build_ctpo (requires GPU Docker runtime):
    cuda_tensorflow_opencv OR cuda_pytorch_opencv OR cuda_tensorflow_pytorch_opencv (aka CTPO, for NVIDIA GPU):

*** Jupyter Labs ready containers (requires the base TPO & CTPO container to either be built locally or docker will attempt to pull otherwise)

In this usage are multiple sections:

  • The Docker Image tag ending matches the software release tag.
  • The Docker Runtime explains the current default runtime. For GPU (CTPO) builds it is recommended to add "default-runtime": "nvidia" in the /etc/docker/daemon.json file and restart the docker daemon. Similarly, for CPU (TPO) builds, it is recommended that the "default-runtime" should be removed (or commented,) but because switching runtime on a system is not always achievable, we will use NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=void (details.) You can check the current status of your runtime by running: docker info | grep "Default Runtime"
  • The Available Docker images to be built section allows you to select the possible build targets. For GPU, the cuda_ variants. For CPU the non cuda_ variants. Naming conventions and tags follow the guidelines specified in the "Tag naming conventions" section.
  • The Jupyter Labs ready containers are based on the containers built in the "Available Docker images[...]" and adding a running "Jupyter Labs" following the specific Dockerfile in the Jupyter_build directory. The list of built containers is limited to the most components per CPU and GPU to simplify distribution.

Local builds will not have the infotrend/ctpo- added to their base name. Those are only for release to Docker hub by maintainers.

1.3. Dockerfile

Each time you request a specific make target, a dedicated Dockerfile is built in the BuildDetails/<release>/<target> directory.

That Dockerfile contains ARG and ENV values that match the specific build parameters. For example in release 20231120, when building the tensorflow_opencv-2.12.0_4.7.0 target, the BuildDetails/20231120/tensorflow_opencv-2.12.0_4.7.0-20231120/Dockerfile will be created and used to build the tensorflow_opencv:2.12.0_4.7.0-20231120 container image. In that file, you will see content such as:

ARG CTPO_FROM=ubuntu:22.04
## Download & Building TensorFlow from source in same RUN
# No Magma (PyTorch GPU only)

# No PyTorch, Torch Audio or Torch Video
RUN echo "No PyTorch built" > /tmp/torch_config.txt \
  && echo "No TorchVision built" > /tmp/torchvision_config.txt \
  && echo "No TorchAudio built" > /tmp/torchaudio_config.txt \
  && echo "No TorchData built" > /tmp/torchdata_config.txt \
  && echo "No TorchText built" > /tmp/torchtext_config.txt

, which is specific to the CPU build of TensorFlow and OpenCV (without PyTorch).

That Dockerfile should enable developers to integrate their modifications to build a specific feature.

When the maintainers upload this image to Dockerhub, that image will be preceded by infotrend/ctpo-.

If you choose to build a container image for your hardware, please be patient, building any of those images might take a long time (counted in hours). To build it this way, find the corresponding Dockerfile and docker build -f <directory>/Dockerfile . from the location of this The build process will require some of the scripts in the tools directory to complete.

For example, to build the BuildDetails/20231120/tensorflow_opencv-2.12.0_4.7.0-20231120/Dockerfile and tag it as to:test from the directory where this is located, run:

% docker build -f ./BuildDetails/20231120/tensorflow_opencv-2.12.0_4.7.0-20231120/Dockerfile --tag to:test .

ℹ️ If you use an existing Dockerfile, please update the ARG CTPO_NUMPROC= line with the value of running the nproc --all command. The value in the Dockerfile reflects the build as it was performed for release to Docker Hub and might not represent your build system.

The Makefile contains most of the variables that define the versions of the different frameworks. The file has many comments that allow developers to tailor the build.

For example, any release on our Dockerhub is made with "redistributable" packages, the CTPO_ENABLE_NONFREE variable in the Makefile controls that feature:

The default is not to build OpenCV non-free or build FFmpeg with libnpp, as those would make the images unredistributable. Replace "free" by "unredistributable" if you need to use those for a personal build

1.4. Available builds on DockerHub

The Dockerfile used for a Dockerhub pushed built is shared in the BuildDetails directory (see the Dockerfile section above)

We will publish releases into Infotrend Inc's Docker Hub account. There you can find other releases from Infotrend.

The tag naming reflects the Tag naming conventions section above. latest is used to point to the most recent release for a given container image.

The different base container images that can be found there are:

1.5. Build Details

The file is built automatically from the content of the BuildDetails directory and contains links to different files stored in each sub-directory.

It reflects each build's detailed information, such as (where relevant) the Docker tag, version of CUDA, cuDNN, TensorFlow, PyTorch, OpenCV, FFmpeg and Ubuntu. Most content also links to sub-files that contain further insight into the system package, enabled build parameters, etc.

1.6. Jupyter build

Jupyter Lab containers are built FROM the tensorflow_pytorch_opencv or cuda_tensorflow_pytorch_opencv containers.

A "user" version (current user's UID and GID are passed to the internal user) can be built using make JN_MODE="-user" jupyter_tpo jupyter_ctpo.

The specific details of such builds are available in the Jupyter_build directory, in the Dockerfile and Dockerfile-user files.

The default Jupyter Lab's password (iti) is stored in the Dockerfile and can be modified by the builder by replacing the --IdentityProvider.token='iti' command line option.

When using the Jupyter-specific container, it is important to remember to expose the port used by the tool (here: 8888), as such in your docker run command, make sure to add -p 8888:8888 to the command line.

Pre-built containers are available, see the Available builds on DockerHub section above.

1.7. Unraid build

Those are specializations of the Jupyter Lab's builds, and container images with a sudo-capable jupyter user using Unraid's specific uid and gid and the same default iti Jupyter Lab's default password.

The Unraid version can be built using make JN_MODE="-unraid" jupyter_tpo jupyter_ctpo.

The build Dockerfile is Jupyter_build/Dockerfile-unraid.

Pre-built containers are available, see the Available builds on DockerHub section above.

2. Usage and more

2.1. A note on supported GPU in the Docker Hub builds

A minimum Nvidia driver version is needed to run the CUDA builds. Table 1: CUDA Toolkit and Compatible Driver Versions and Table 2: CUDA Toolkit and Minimum Compatible Driver Versions as well as the nvidia-smi command on your host will help you determine if a specific version of CUDA will be supported.

Not all GPUs are supported in the Docker Hub builds. The containers are built for "compute capability (version)" (as defined in the GPU supported Wikipedia page) of 6.0 and above (ie Pascal and above).

If you need a different GPU compute capability, please edit the Makefile and alter the various DNN_ARCH_ matching the one that you need to build and add your architecture. Then type make to see the entire list of containers that the release you have obtained can build and use the exact tag that you want to build to build it locally (on Ubuntu, you will need docker and build-essential installed --at least-- to do this). Building a container image takes a lot of CPU and can take multiple hours, so we recommend you build only the target you need.

2.2. Using the container images

Build or obtain the container image you require from DockerHub.

We understand the image names are verbose. This is to avoid confusion between the different builds. It is possible to tag containers with shorter names for easy docker run.

The WORKDIR for the containers is set as /iti, as such, should you want to map the current working directory within your container and test functions, you can -v as /iti.

When using a GPU image, make sure to add --gpus all to the docker run command line.

For example to run the GPU-Jupyter container and expose the WebUI to port 8765, one would:

% docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/iti --gpus all -p 8765:8888 infotrend/ctpo-jupyter-cuda_tensorflow_pytorch_opencv:11.8.0_2.12.0_2.0.1_4.7.0-20231120

By going to http://localhost:8765 you will be shown the Jupyter Log in page. As a reminder, the default token is iti. When you log in, you will see the Jupyter Lab interface and the list of files mounted in /iti in the interface. From that WebUI, when you File -> Shutdown, the container will exit.

The non-Jupyter containers are set to provide the end users with a bash. pwd-mounting the /iti directory to a directory where the developer has some code for testing enables the setup of a quick prototyping/testing container-based environment. For example to run some of the content of the test directory on a CPU, in the directory where this is located:

% docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/iti infotrend/ctpo-tensorflow_opencv:2.12.0_4.7.0-20231120
      [this starts the container in interactive mode and we can type command in the provided shell]
root@b859b8aced9c:/iti# python3 ./test/
Tensorflow test: CPU only

[[22. 28.]
 [49. 64.]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=float32)

Time (s) to convolve 32x7x7x3 filter over random 100x100x100x3 images (batch x height x width x channel). Sum of ten runs.
CPU (s): 0.483618629979901
Tensorflow test: Done

Note that the base container runs as root. If you want to run it as a non-root user, add -u $(id -u):$(id -g) to the docker command line and ensure that you have access to the directories you will work in.

2.3. Podman usage

The built image is compatible with other GPU-compatible container runtimes, such as podman.

Follow the instructions to install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit and Support for Container Device Interface.

You will need a version of podman above 4.1.0 to be able to:

% podman run -it --rm --device infotrend/ctpo-cuda_tensorflow_pytorch_opencv:latest

root@2b8d77a97c5b:/iti# python3 /iti/test/ 
Tensorflow test: GPU found
On cpu:
On cuda:

root@2b8d77a97c5b:/iti# touch file

, that last command will create a file owned by the person who started the container.

ℹ️ If you are on Ubuntu 22.04, install HomeBrew and brew install podman, which at the time of this writeup provided version 4.8.2

2.4. docker compose

It is also possible to run the container in docker compose.

Follow the GPU support instructions to match your usage, and adapt the following compose.yml example as needed:

version: "3.8"
    container_name: jupyter_ctpo
    image: infotrend/ctpo-jupyter-cuda_tensorflow_pytorch_opencv:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 8888:8888
      - ./iti:/iti
      - ./home:/home/jupyter
      - TZ="America/New_York"
            - driver: nvidia
              count: 1
              capabilities: [gpu]

2.5. virtualenv for shared Jupyter Lab usage

When using the Jupyter version of CTPO with other users, you may prefer to use a virtualenv for your packages to be installed in. In the following, we will create a myvenv virtual environment in the /iti directory, that will show up in the list of available kernels.

In a Terminal (preferably running a bash shell) in the Jupyter Lab, run:

python3 -m venv --system-site-packages myvenv
source myvenv/bin/activate
pip3 install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=myvenv --name=myvenv --display-name="Python (myvenv)"

Make sure to select the proper kernel in your notebook. When using this kernel, it is still recommendeded to run any pip command from the terminal with the virtual environment activated to ensure the packages are installed in the expected location (i.e. not a global installation). As an alternative for pip commands to run with the proper installation directory, you will need to use ! . ./myvenv/bin/activate before the command. For example: !. ./myvenv/bin/activate; pip install -r requirements.txt

2.6. Disabling GPUs when nvidia is the default Docker runtime

If you have set "default-runtime": "nvidia" in your /etc/docker/daemon.json and want to hide the GPUs from a running container, add NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=void before your docker run command.

3. Version History

  • 20240421: Release with support for CUDA 12.3.2, TensorFlow 2.16.1, PyTorch 2.2.2 and OpenCV 4.9.0
  • 20231201: Release with support for CUDA 11.8.0, TensorFlow 2.14.1, PyToch 2.1.1 and OpenCV 4.8.0
  • 20231120: Initial Release, with support for CUDA 11.8.0, TensorFlow 2.12.0, PyTorch 2.0.1 and OpenCV 4.7.0.
  • November 2023: Preparation for public release.
  • June 2023: engineered to support clean Dockerfile generation, supporting the same versions as 20231120 releases.