Hi everyone!
This repo is simply here to publicly document my journey learning Python. The exercises and projects I work on in this course will live here and on my website, Andrindie. More specifically, the python (and other where necessary) files will be stored here and the explanations about my process and results will exist on Andrindie.
You can find the syllabus I'm following here: Python Syllabus. Here is an alternative link to the syllabus without all the text: Alt Link.
I'm currently starting at the very beginning with How to Think Like Computer Scientist (thinkspy for short - why? Dunno. That's just what the interactive book is called on Runestone Academy. It likely means "think computer science Python".) and CODE: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
thinkcspy has a bunch of exercises at the end of each chapter that I will be uploading in their corresponding folders. I won't post solutions to every single exercise - only the ones I find interesting and/or particularly challenging.
Anyway - that's enough rambling! If you're planning to do the course yourself, make sure you try the exercises yourself before looking at my solutions. If you're just here out of curiosity (hi!), feel free to say hello and leave feedback.