This is a Tradecast Test project. It's made so a user can upload a .mp4 file and see the metadata of the uploaded file.
This repository requires all of the below tools/frameworks to be installed*:
- NodeJS (v6.11.2 or higher)
- NPM (v4.0.0 or higher)
*The versions are the ones that were used when creating the project, often times lower versions are still compatible.
Here are the instructionts for properly setting up the project:
- Clone the repository
- Run
npm install
inside the repository folder - Copy, paste and then rename the example.env file to .env
- Change the port in the .env file if you want to (default from example.env is 8081)
- Run
node ffprobe.js
The project is now running on localhost:8081 (if the port is left unchanged)
Once the project is opened in your browser you can upload a file and press the submit button. After this it'll load the metadata from the file and display it to you.