Amazon E-kart Tracker is a web application where you can add tracker for any product that is available on amazon and it will notify you when it notices a price drop in last 365 days, built using MongoDB, Express, React and Nodejs.
- Add products to track
- Get notified on your mail when there is a price drop
- Use line chart based analytics to visulaize price history
AMET uses the following tech:
- React - HTML enhanced for web apps!
- Puppeteer - Headless chrome nodejs API
- [Express] - fast node.js network app framework [@tjholowaychuk]
- [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend
- Bootstrap - Bootstrap is a powerful, feature-packed frontend toolkit.
AMET requires Node.js v10+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies.
cd amazon-ekart-tracker
npm i
Create a .env
file in root folder and add the following line with mongoDB URI to it.
MONGO_URI=<mongoDB connection URL>
To start the backend server open your terminal and type -
npm run start
For frontend install the dependencies and start the server
cd frontend
npm i
npm run start