Nothing here is particularly polished or complete — if you're looking for a working demo, this probably isn't the branch you're looking for!
These "codetags" help to quickly grep for different categories of information throughout the codebase that's useful to keep track of.
— Issues that need addressing before the code can be considered stable or completeTODO
— Features that can be added, but that aren't essential for completeness or stabilitySAFETY
— Lays out the reasoning for why code that could theoretically panic, never will (e.g. justifying the use of.unwrap()
— Flags up where future performance optimizations could be madeDESIGN
— Explains why things were done the way they were: which alternatives were discarded and why, and which downsides were explicitly acceptedMISSING
— Explains an intentional omission, or why something expected to be there isn'tNOTE
— Yes, I know this code is a bit unusual... Let me explain myself...