A maze is a type of puzzle games where a player moves in complex and branched passages to find a particular target or location.
- The depth-first search algorithm of maze generation is implemented using stack (iterative method) instead of the recursive method to handle recursion stack overflow
- Choose the initial cell, mark it as visited and push it to the stack
- While the stack is not empty
- Pop a cell from the stack and make it a current cell
- If the current cell has any neighbours which have not been visited
- Push the current cell to the stack
- Choose one of the unvisited neighbours
- Remove the wall between the current cell and the chosen cell
- Mark the chosen cell as visited and push it to the stack
- While the stack is not empty
Note: Play game on PC.
ArrowUp: Move up
ArrowRight: Move right
ArrowDown: Move down
ArrowLeft: Move left
You can destroy a wall with 3 points
W : Destroy top wall
D : Destroy right wall
S : Destroy down wall
A : Destroy left wall