DAGZet (Directed-Acyclic-Graph Zettelkasten) is a simple text-based data format for producing knowledge graphs. A graph described in Dagzet gets compiled down into SQLite code, which can then be parsed by sqlite to be turned into a queryable database.
Dual-licensed under MIT or the UNLICENSE.
Compile and install locally with:
cargo install --path .
Here is an example of a simple graph
zz declare the namespace
ns hello
zz create a new node "world"
zz the full namespace is "hello/world"
nn world
ln this is a line.
ln many lines can be appended.
zz create a new node "another"
nn another
ln Another node has been created
zz make "another" point to "world" (another -> world)"
zz this makes "another" a child of "world"
co another world
This can then be converted to a SQLite database:
$ dagzet hello.dz | sqlite a.db
$ echo "SELECT name FROM dz_nodes" | sqlite3 a.db"