This repo creates a Docker image for the STM32 Command Line Tools (CLT).
A ubuntu environment is recommended for building. WSL can be used on Windows.
There are a few manual steps involved.
This image contains the STM32CubeCLT package (located at /opt/st) and is based on
Ubuntu 24.04 with CMake installed using KitWare's APT repository and clang and pip3
installed using the standard Ubuntu repository. To use the package, pull<version>
- Download the STM32 CLT installer for Linux (DEB). It must be the DEB version.
- Extract the downloaded file ending in to this directory
- Update the COPY command in the Dockerfile with the script name
- run
docker build -t<organization name>/stm32cubeclt:<version> .
- run
docker run -it<organization name>/stm32cubeclt:<version> /
- Accept the license by pressing down arrow until you see the prompt for y/N (You must press down arrow exactly enough times to reach the prompt. It will reject the license if you press the down arrow again)
- run
docker ps -a
to find the container id - run
docker commit <container id from before><organization name>/stm32cubeclt:<version>
- Create a PAT for your GitHub account
- run
echo $CR_PAT | docker login -u USERNAME --password-stdin
to login to docker - run
docker push<organization name>/stm32cubeclt:<version>