A stand-alone web-based application 👩💻 using Streamlit.io to identify and categorize X-ray bursts.
Visit our deployed webapp here
Create a virtual environment, using:
virtualenv venv
To activate virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Now, after activating the virtual environment we need to install dependencies used for our project:
pip install -r requirements.txt
streamlit run app.py
First screen has an upload option for uploading .lc files, which will be used to extract data using Astropy, and further will be processed to draw graphs.
Tadaa 🥳 We are done 🥁
Finally, we have plotted our graphs and tables, with information about them as shown below:
Our web app has some beautiful dynamic graphs that are interactive, means draggable and scrollable. It also display coordinates on hovering, making the analysis very easy.
Made with ❤️ by Luminaires