Generate random Indonesian number all operator can choice, can shorting number valid at WhatsApp Message, Attetion : THIS DATA NOT FROM INTENAL DATABASE, PURE GENERATED BY SYSTEM!!
Speed sorting number WA about 1s/number, if your random number is too much (above 1000) then the sorting process will also be long
sorting process requires an internet connection
sorting uses the API from my own hosting, if it not function you can report it in the issues
Clone this project
> git clone
> cd Web-RandomNumberWA
Install the dependencies:
> npm install
- run the Code
Hard Mode
> npm start
> npm test
> node pickernumber.js
- force stop the code
> ctrl + c
Number Code | Function |
1 | All Operator |
2 | Telkomsel |
3 | Indosat |
4 | XL |
5 | Axis |
6 | Three |
7 | Smartfreen |