This is a front end development test for testing your skills with JavaScript, React, React Native and Redux. The project is setup with React Native's official template with some added dependencies, mainly:
- react-navigation
- redux-toolkit
- axios
- styled-components
- Node v12 or Node v14
- Yarn v1
- Watchman
- Cocoapods
- Android Studio for Android debugging
- XCode for iOS debugging
Follow the instructions on to setup your environment.
Install node modules using Yarn
Install pods using Cocoapods
cd ios
pod install
npx react-native run-android
npx react-native run-ios
We work with "features", meaning specific features have their own directory inside ./src/features
. This is where the feature's Redux state/reducer, feature-specific components and screens reside.
API endpoints reside in ./src/api
and use the Request.js
for network requests, which in turn uses Axios.
Screens are connected inside ./src/app/App.js
Redux store is connected inside ./src/app/store.js
. This is where all reducers are combined.
There are some initial features created to give you an idea of our usual workflow. The ./src/features/counter
feature is from redux-toolkit's getting started guide and reflects the way we work with Redux. This feature serves as an example feature.
We are using a mocking API with data copied from our beta environment. The mocked endpoints include hardcoded IDs but in a real application we would provide these IDs to the endpoints. There are two endpoints available:
- ./src/api/menuTrees.js
- get.byId - GET the menuTree details (menu tree items)
- ./src/api/outlets.js
- get.byId - GET outlet details (restaurant info, not required to use)
Create a menu from the response from the menuTrees endpoint. When pressing product items in the menu they should be added to a "check".
The check is client-side only and doesn't need to call any endpoints. The check should list the name of the products added as well as quantity.
The menu should support viewing its sub-menus. The menu should be rendered inside the drawer (the drawer is found in ./src/app/App.js
The app should work on iOS iPhones and Android phones. Tablets are not required. If you don't have access to a Mac with XCode an Android-only version is OK.
You may design the appearance how you like.
Below are screenshots from our POS app and its menu (and check). These are just to give you an idea and serve as an example. Your app doesn't have to look the same.