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Carthage compatible CocoaPods Compatible

Platform Swift Version Build Status License

AKMaskField is UITextField subclass which allows enter data in the fixed quantity and in the certain format (credit cards, telephone numbers, dates, etc.). You only need setup mask and mask template visible for user.



  • Easy in use
  • Possibility to setup input field from a code or Settings Panel
  • Smart template
  • Support of dynamic change of a mask
  • Fast processing of a input field
  • Smart copy / insert action


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 7.3+



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. To install AKMaskField with CocoaPods:

  1. Make sure CocoaPods is installed.

  2. Update your Podfile to include the following:

    pod 'AKMaskField'
  3. Run pod install.

  1. In your code import AKMaskField like so: import AKMaskField


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. To install AKMaskField with Carthage:

  1. Install Carthage via Homebrew

    $ brew update
    $ brew install carthage
  2. Add github "artemkrachulov/AKMaskField" to your Cartfile.

  3. Run carthage update.

  4. Drag AKMaskField.framework from the Carthage/Build/iOS/ directory to the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section of your Xcode project’s General settings.

  5. Add $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/AKMaskField.framework to Input Files of Run Script Phase for Carthage.


If you prefer not to use either of the aforementioned dependency managers, you can integrate AKMaskField into your project manually.

  1. Download and drop AKMaskField folder in your project.
  2. Done!

Usage example


Create a text field UITextField and set a class AKMaskField in the Inspector / Accessory Panel tab. Specify necessary attributes in the Inspector / Accessory Attributes tab.


  • MaskExpression: {dddd}-{DDDD}-{WaWa}-{aaaa}
  • MaskTemplate: ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-MNOP


Setup mask field in your view controller.

var field: AKMaskField!

override func viewDidLoad() {

    field = AKMaskField()
    field.maskExpression = "{dddd}-{DDDD}-{WaWa}-{aaaa}"
    field.maskTemplate = "ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-MNOP"

Configuring the Mask Field

var maskExpression: String?

The string value that has blocks with pattern symbols that determine the certain format of input data. Wrap each mask block with proper bracket character.

The predetermined formats:

Mask symbol (pattern) Input format
d Number, decimal number from 0 to 9
D Any symbol, except decimal number
W Not an alphabetic symbol
a Alphabetic symbol, a-Z
. Corresponds to any symbol (default)

Default value of this property is nil.

var maskTemplate: String

The text that represents the mask filed with replacing mask symbol by template character.

Characters count Input format
1 Template character will be copied to each mask block with repeating equal block length.
Equal Template length equal to mask without brackets. Template characters will replace mask blocks in same range.

Default value of this property is *.

func setMask(mask: String, withMaskTemplate maskTemplate: String)

Use this method to set the mask and template parameters.


  • maskExpression : Mask (read above).
  • maskTemplate : Mask template (read above).

You can also set default placeholder property. The placeholder will shows only when mask field is clear.

var maskBlockBrackets: AKMaskFieldBrackets

Open and close bracket character for the mask block. Default value of this property is { and }.

Setup Mask Field behavior

var jumpToPrevBlock: Bool { get set }

Jumps to previous block when cursor placed between brackets or before first character in current block. Default value of this property is false.

Accessing the Text Attributes

var text: String? { get set }

The text displayed by the mask field.

Mask Field actions

func refreshMask()

Manually refresh the mask field

Accessing the Delegate

weak var maskDelegate: AKMaskFieldDelegate? { get set }

The receiver’s delegate.

Getting the Mask Field status

var maskStatus: AKMaskFieldStatus { get }

Returns the current status of the mask field. The value of the property is a constant. See AKMaskFieldStatus for descriptions of the possible values.

Getting the Mask Field object

var maskBlocks: [AKMaskFieldBlock] { get }

Returns an array containing all the Mask Field blocks


Managing Editing

optional func maskFieldShouldBeginEditing(maskField: AKMaskField) -> Bool

Asks the delegate if editing should begin in the specified mask field.


  • maskField : The mask field in which editing is about to begin.
optional func maskFieldDidBeginEditing(maskField: AKMaskField)

Asks the delegate if editing should begin in the specified mask field.


  • maskField : The mask field in which editing is about to begin.
optional func maskFieldShouldEndEditing(maskField: AKMaskField) -> Bool

Asks the delegate if editing should stop in the specified mask field.


  • maskField : The mask field in which editing is about to end.
optional func maskFieldDidEndEditing(maskField: AKMaskField)

Tells the delegate that editing stopped for the specified mask field.


  • maskField : The mask field for which editing ended.
optional func maskField(maskField: AKMaskField, didChangedWithEvent event: AKMaskFieldEvent)

Tells the delegate that specified mask field change text with event.


  • maskField : The mask field for which event changed.
  • event : Event constant value received after manipulations.

Editing the Mask Field’s Block

optional func maskField(maskField: AKMaskField, shouldChangeBlock block: AKMaskFieldBlock, inout inRange range: NSRange, inout replacementString string: String) -> Bool

Asks the delegate if the specified mask block should be changed.


  • maskField : The mask field containing the text.
  • block : Target block. See ** AKMaskFieldBlock** more information.
  • range : The range of characters to be replaced (inout parameter).
  • string : The replacement string for the specified range (inout parameter).



A structure that contains the mask block main properties.


var index: Int

Block index in the mask

var status: AKMaskFieldStatus { get }

Returns the current block status.

var chars: [AKMaskFieldBlockCharacter]

An array containing all characters inside block. See AKMaskFieldBlockCharacter structure information.


var pattern: String { get }

The mask pattern that represent current block.

var patternRange: NSRange { get }

Location of the mask pattern in the mask.

Mask template

var template: String { get }

The mask template string that represent current block.

var templateRange: NSRange { get }

Location of the mask template string in the mask template.


A structure that contains the block character main properties.


var index: Int

Character index in the block.

var blockIndex: Int

The block index in the mask.

var status: AKMaskFieldStatus

Current character status.


var pattern: AKMaskFieldPatternCharacter

The mask pattern character. See AKMaskFieldPatternCharacter costant information.

var patternRange: NSRange

Location of the pattern character in the mask.

Mask template

var template: Character

The mask template character.

var templateRange: NSRange

Location of the mask template character in the mask template.



enum AKMaskFieldStatus {
	case Clear
	case Incomplete
	case Complete

The Mask Field, Block and Block Character status property constant.


enum AKMaskFieldEvet {
	case None
	case Insert
	case Delete
	case Replace

Event constant value received after manipulations with the Mask Field.


enum AKMaskFieldPatternCharacter: String {
  case NumberDecimal = "d"
  case NonDecimal = "D"
  case NonWord = "W"
  case Alphabet = "a"
  case Any = "."

Single block character pattern constant.


  • NumberDecimal : Number, decimal number from 0 to 9
  • NonDecimal : Any symbol, except decimal number
  • NonWord : Not an alphabetic symbol
  • Alphabet : Alphabetic symbol, a-Z
  • Any : Corresponds to any symbol (default)
func pattern() -> String

Returns regular expression pattern.


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Artem Krachulov – - [email protected]

Released under the MIT license


Swift plugin which allow add mask to input field







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