Build and run docker container:
docker build -t local . && docker run -p 8081:80 --name echo-api local
Verify that it's up and running:
curl -GET http://localhost:8081/echo\?message\=Hi
Make sure you have Azure CLI installed:
az --version
Create a resource group
az group create \
--name rg-aci-echo \
--location westeurope
then create ACI resource
az container create --resource-group rg-aci-echo \
--location westeurope \
--name aci-echo-api \
--image asizikov/echo-api:latest \
--cpu 1 --memory 0.5 \
--dns-name-label echo-api \
--ip-address Public
verify that it's up and running:
curl -GET $(az container show -g rg-aci-echo -n aci-echo-api --query "ipAddress.fqdn" -o tsv)/echo\?message\=Hi