Band-Aide makes being in or managing a DIY band easier. It’s meant to be useful and fun.
Band-Aide is built on top of open-source technologies by musicians, for musicians.
If we build Band-Aide, they will come. If they need a feature, they can help build it. They being us. We being everyone.
Weekly Twitch stream on at 1pm ET on Mondays
Weekly Twitch stream about to return...
- API (Catalog? Universe? All the Things?)
- users
- profiles (usually the same as the user, but user can have more than one)
- artists
- albums
- tracks (for collaborate; for albums?)
- labels
- shows
- venues
- stuff (for Trading Post? for merch?)
- posters (for shows, for sale, for art/display)
- Collaborate (share audio tracks with features related to collaborating between users)
- Inspirado (inspiration api: random song, song description, song part descriptions glued together, oblique strategies, random art)
- Trading Post (buy, sell, trade)
- Messaging (could be core to some features: Collaborate, Trading Post; could even be abstracted to Tour Spiel, thinking about a Feed feature)
- Audio Player (embeddable audio player)
- Events (like Facebook events but actually good and functional; follow clubs/artists and see their events in your event list; dont call it a calendar because calendars are hard. Simply an event list.)
- Tour Planner (map, travel times, fuel costs, weather alerts, etc. Lauren idea: layout dates/cities and request shows along route?)
- Tour Spiel (short updates, long diaries, and everything in-between)
- Tour Reviews (clubs, diners, motels, parks, etc)
- EPK (electronic press kit; could be mini site including feed (see below))