Will syntax highlight files with extensions of coffee, coco, and CAKEFILE using Notepad++'s user-defined language(within its limits).
- If you don't have an userDefineLang.xml file already, you can drop this file among your other configuration file, in the Notepad++ Install Folder. It should be named userDefineLang.xml.
- Otherwise, open both the existing and new file.
- Select all of the new file, copy, and paste at the end of the current file.
- This should have created a spurious </Notepad_Plus><Notepad_plus> pair in the middle, each tag on a line by itself. Remove these two consecutive lines.
- Close Notepad++.
Your Languages menu should show the newly added language at the bottom, next time you launch Notepad++.
Contact me at [email protected] for any questions or tips!