react-wizard is a step-by-step wizard workflow written in JavaScript with React. It demonstrates an implementation of the useContext hook to share a user's form input (application's "state") across components.
The step-by-step workflow is applied to a hypothetical task scheduling feature.
All form input in this application, whether text input, checkbox, or select, is auto-generated from the initial state of the context in WizardContext.js.
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
- Install Yarn for package management.
- Install dependencies using yarn
$ yarn
$ yarn start
The post Understanding React useContext outlines the motivation behind react-wizard and describes key implementation details.
Beyond bootstrapping with Create React App, the following npm packages were added:
prop-types to provide runtime type checking.
yarn add prop-types
styled-components to embed CSS styles within components which makes the component's styling quicker/easier to find and update.
yarn add styled-components
babel-plugin-styled-components so Babel knows how to transpile CSS in the styled-components mentioned above.
yarn add babel-plugin-styled-components
node-sass for styling advantages over vanilla CSS, like variables and simple inheritance via extension.
yarn add node-sass