- Exercism
- Solved Algorithms
- HackerRank
- Python Exercises (Pratusevich)
- CodeWars
- Exercícios Wiki Python
- URI Exercises
- Prime Numbers Checker
- Memo() Studies
- Pokédex do Zóio
- Clone da Piraseg (Tailwind)
- Google Clone
- Simplenote Clone
- HeroesCatalog (React Project)
- Jest Course (Freecodecamp)
- React - The Complete Guide by Max Schwarzmüller
- DOM Course by Clyde Matthew (Udemy)
- Imersão Alura (Languageflix)
- Just JavaScript by Dan Abramov
- Curso Alura HTML + CSS
- Curso Alura Flexbox
- Curso Alura Hooks + Context
- Curso Alura Functional Components
- Curso Alura Class-based Components
- Curso de JavaScript do Guanabara
- Vue Course
- React Crash Course
- Tutorial Django (Pretty Printed)
- Tutorial Django 2.0 (Pretty Printed)
- Tutorial Django REST Frameworkd
- Django Course by José Portilla (Udemy)
- 30 days of Python Course
- Curso de Python do Gustavo Guanabara
- Curso de Django (Impacta)
- Official NextJS + Tailwind Documentation
- Pare de Chutar CSS
- JavaScript Orientado a Objetos
- Tutorial da Documentação Oficial do React
- Consumindo APIs JS Vanilla
- Navbar + Flexbox Tutorial (SkillThrive)
- Web Development Tutorial (Learn Code Academy)
- Tutorial Flexbox TechSith
- Grid Layout Course (Traversy)
- Django Tutorial (Django Girls)
- Django Course by Mozilla
- Flask Mega Tutorial by Miguel Grinberg
- Welcome to the Django Course by Henrique Bastos
- Selenium Tutorial (Real Python)
- Tutorial Django (Simple is Better Than Complex)
- Django Tutorial (official docs)
- Natural Language Processing with Python
- Orientação a Objetos em Python
- Livro de introdução ao Python (IFSP)
- Livro NLTK with Python
- Livro Aprenda Python