- Listens for :mocking: reaction on messages, responds by mocking the message.
- Example emoji is included in this repo (see:
). - Only responds to the first mocking reaction and reacts with mocking itself after a user does, to prevent repeat mockings
- The message must be a user text message, not a bot message, image, URL, or server message.
- Ignores messages over a day old
- Ignores messages that are just valid URLs, as per https://github.com/ogt/valid-url
Add by visiting: https://beefcakes.club:8443/
- Clone the repo
- Have docker and docker-compose installed and good-to-go
- Modify index.js to use your own callback URL
- Make sure your bot has these scopes:
['bot', 'channels:history', 'chat:write:bot', 'reactions:read']
docker-compose up -d