Tested against dropwizard: 0.7.1 & 0.8.1 & 0.9.1
Dropwizard Metrics plugin for reporting to AWS CloudWatch.
Find the latest release at maven central http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Ca%3A%22dropwizard-metrics-cloudwatch%22
Builds upon the the great work from blacklocus/metrics-cloudwatch
Add to your configuration yaml file:
- type: cloudwatch
namespace: some_namespace
- env=dev # for example
awsSecretKey: <optional>
awsAccessKeyId: <optional>
awsRegion: <optional: region name to use for cloudwatch reporting>
- Namespace must follow the format:
"0-9A-Za-z" plus "."(period), "-" (hyphen), "_" (underscore), "/" (slash), "#" (hash), and ":" (colon)
See: CloudWatch Concepts
- If neither awsAccessKeyId or awsSecretKey are set, then the DefaultAWSCredentialProviderChain will be used.