Add Notyf support in your Laravel app.
You can install the package via composer
composer require kapouet/laravel-notyf
You can publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kapouet\Notyf\NotyfServiceProvider" --tag="kapouet:config"
The config file is structured like Notyf, but in PHP, see
<!-- For CSS -->
<!-- For JS -->
<!-- Import this script after Livewire if you use it -->
Notyf::success('I\'m a success message');
Notyf::error('I\'m an error message');
// If you are added custom types in config file
Notyf::message('custom', 'I\'m a custom message');
use Kapouet\Notyf\Traits\Livewire\WithNotyf;
use Livewire\Component;
class MyComponent extends Component
use WithNotyf;
public function render(): string
return <<<'blade'
<button wire:click="toast">Toast me</button>
public function toast(): void
$this->notyfSuccess('I\'m a success message');
$this->notyfError('I\'m an error message');
// If you are added custom types in config file
$this->notyfMessage('custom', 'I\'m a custom message');
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.