This repository builds the documentation found at
To build the docs, you will need a few tools installed on your machine:
- Node.js
- Python 3, pip3 and virtualenv.
if you're on Mac (only required for the watch command).
You can then install all website dependencies by running
make setup
This will set up a virtual Python environment, require the Python dependencies into it and also install all required node modules.
To build the docs simply run Make:
To serve the docs, simply run
make serve
This will start a HTTP server on port 8111 serving a hot-reloading version of the docs.
To continuously update the build when things change, simply run
make watch
The watch command will automatically serve the docs as well using a hot-reloading capable server.
We use a machine-learning based translation service in combination with hand-tuning of inaccurate translations to generate different language-versions of this documentation. To launch the auto-translation you'll need a valid DeepL-token. If you just want to contribute to the docs you can write your content in English and we'll take care of the translations. If you still want to experiment with the auto-translation mechanism you can simply run:
TOKEN=[DeepL token] make translate
This will translate the configuration files, markdown texts and translation strings (used in HTML templates). You can fine-tune the translations by editing the corresponding YAML files ([filename].trans for configs and markdown). Be aware though that we use a hashing-based mechanism to detect outdated translations. Hence, if you modify a translated text and later modify the source text it will get re-translated and your modifications will be overwritten.