uses Vagrant
to provide an experience similar to boot2docker, and serves as a seamless layer for interacting w/ docker through the host operating system.
has a very simple ansible playbook called docker-host.yml
that configures the the docker daemon living in the docker-host
as well as sets up a seamless private network to interact with the docker-host
through the host operating system -- OSX and Linux systems are supported only for now.
The main purpose of docker-host
is to essentially serve a virtual machine that runs the docker daemon. This becomes the basis of an execution environment for all docker images, used in the instructions further below, in which a shared virtual machine executes all the docker images and exposes them via the host machine's command-line client.
To get started, on your host system, you need:
- Ansible 1.8.2+
- Vagrant 1.7+
- docker v1.6.0
brew install ansible
brew cask install vagrant
vagrant plugin install nugrant
brew install docker
Then, vagrant up docker-host
- wait until it's done.
Then, export DOCKER_HOST=
(probably should put that in your ${shell}rc
or ${shell}
To test a successful installation, type in docker ps
from your host machine cli and you should see:
mahmoud@gauss:15/04/08,11:09 λ ~ rb:1.9.3-p286
❯❯❯ uname -a ⏎
Darwin gauss 14.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.1.0: Thu Feb 26 19:26:47 PST 2015; root:xnu-2782.10.73~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
mahmoud@gauss:15/04/08,11:09 λ ~ rb:1.9.3-p286
❯❯❯ docker ps
When done provisioning, docker login
to set credentials.