Releases: matcracker/BedcoreProtect
Releases · matcracker/BedcoreProtect
BedcoreProtect v0.6.0 - API 3.4.0
Introductory notes
- This update is recommended because it contains many improvements and bug fixes.
- The update is backward compatible with v0.5.x
- If you are already using BedcoreProtect v0.5.x and you upgrade to v0.6.0, you will notice a message of database upgrading. Don't worry, that's normal. It's the patch manager process that updates the database tables for the new version. If during the process you got a crash, please open a issue here!
- Added /bcp undo command (Permission: bcp.subcommand.undo). Allows to undo the last rollback/restore.
- Now block restrictions works. So, is now possible to include/exclude certain blocks during a rollback or a lookup.
- When a player spawn an entity through a spawn egg is now logged.
- When a entity dies due to a block (e.g. fire, lava, etc...) is now logged.
- When a player ignites a TNT is now logged.
- Code analyzed with PHPStan level 8.
- With SQLite the data will be saved every 5 minutes (same as worlds) instead of 5 hours.
- Re-wrote query execution code getting a speed up!
- Most of queries when executed are now scheduled in order by preventing missing or wrong logs.
- Improved the QueryGenerator execution.
- Improved painting break tracking.
- Removed tiles when rollback placed blocks.
- General minor improvements.
- The patch manager is now able to patch a different numbers of patches for each database type.
- From now in the database version of status command (/bcp status) will be applied a suffix indicating if the current database version is backward compatible.
(e.g. - Database version: v0.6.1 (Backward Compatible)) - Default SQLite database file name is now logs.db. (This change is backward compatible)
Bug fixes
- Fixed #9
- Fixed #12
- Fixed an issue not allowing inspector to getting logs of the replaced block.
- Fixed crash during the rollback of entities.
- Fixed possible issue with command permission check order.
- Fixed order of plugin data folder creation.
- Fixed wrong position calculation of liquid tracking.
- Fixed correct meta value (damage) when placing block.
- Fixed wrong restore of bed and doors when placed.
- Fixed duplicated door log when breaking.
- Fixed block burning rollback not correctly working some times.
- Fixed purge command not correctly working on SQLite.
- Fixed excessive log during inventory transaction.
- Fixed database file creation on start-up not taking the choosed file name in the config.
- Fixed possibles crashes relative to null values while tracking.
- When rollback an area containing blocks with light source, the light will try to be updated. (This avoid empty light areas)
- Don't log anymore players when they die. It causes a crash while rollback.
BedcoreProtect v0.5.0 - API 3.4.0
If you are upgrading the plugin from old versions to v0.5.x, you need to delete the database (bedcore_database.db file if you are using SQLite) and the configuration file (config.yml) because the plugin could not work as intended.
- Implemented multi-language support (english and italian at the moment).
- Implemented database auto-patcher (when the database need some changes now it will be automatically patched without deleting your schema).
- Implemented BlockSniper linking (from now you can rollback/restore selected areas and you can log all changes made with it).
- Implemented UI (accessible through the command /bcp menu or /bcp ui).
- Rollback/restore operations are now made asynchronously (that means performance and time are boosted).
- Big query are now built asynchronously (e.g. TNT explosions).
- Database requests are now correctly made asynchronously without blocking main thread.
- Some minor micro-optimizations.
Bug fixes
- Fixed plugin reloading.
- Fixed "blocks" and "exclusions" parameters not correctly working.
- Fixed "rollback-items" config parameter that always rollback/restore when it's set on false.
- Some minor issues fixed.
BedcoreProtect v0.4.2 - API 3.4.0
- Fixed rollback/restore items from inventories on SQLite
- Fixed correct connection ending on SQLite.
BedcoreProtect v0.4.1 - API 3.4.0
Implemented Item Frames tracking and bug fixes.
- Added ItemFrame log tracking.
- Fixed tiles rollback/restore.
BedcoreProtect v0.4.0 - API 4.0.0
New commands and small improvements!
- A little bit changed the configuration parsing logic.
- Allowed empty value on "enabled-worlds" to track on all worlds the logs.
- Added /bcp reload.
- Added /bcp status.
Bug fixes
- Fixed missing purge subcommand permission.
- Fixed liquid spreading logs.
BedcoreProtect v0.3.1 - API 4.0.0
It contains bug fixes and improvements:
- Fixed error that occurs when explosions doesn't remove any block.
- Improved removing side blocks
- Support MC version v1.11 and 1.12
BedcoreProtect v0.3.0 - API 4.0.0
New update released for BedcoreProtect, it contains almost all features, improvements and bug fixes!
- Changed database structure. (if you were using v0.2.0, delete your tables before upgrading)
- Support of API 4.0.0 (commit 12ee885).
- Replaced symbol for parameter, example:
- BEFORE -> /bcp rollback t:10s
- NOW -> /bcp rollback t=10s
- Reduced size of .phar file (removed the composer depedencies)
- Added rollback and restore of entities.
- Added tracking of natural blocks breaking.
- Added tracking of block movement.
- Added tracking of block ignite (fire spreading).
- Added tracking of leaves decay.
- Added tracking of liquids.
- Added per-world tracking, you can now choose in which world track player's log.
- Added saving of blocks, items and entities NBT.
- Added plugin updater.
- Added timezone field to the config. (This is important to show correct log time!)
Bug fixes
- After a rollback, you are now teleported on the top.
- Fixed crash when wrong block id/name is parsed.
- Blocks and exclusions parameters now accepts meta.
Added track logging of items in a chest when it's broken. - Added track logging of "special" blocks (door and bed)
- Fixed counting of changes when only inventory rollback is made.
- Fixed text logging and rollback.
- Fixed inventory logs.
- Fixed chest pairing.
- Fixed correct tracking of door and bed blocks placing/breaking.
- Fixed command permissions when using aliases
- Fixed required schema field on MySQL when using SQLite.
- Fixed not all buttons and blocks with inventories are detected.
- Improved database connection.
- Improved counting of blocks/items/entites while rollback/restore.
- Removed "worker-limit" field on config
BedcoreProtect v0.2.3 - API 3.4.0
First stable release with bug fixes and SQLite support.
Check to see the 0.1.0 features.