This is a collection of projects for web scraping data from various websites:
Most of the modules are in the format:
- <project>_webscraping.ipynb, where the data is scraped from the relevant source, and,
- data, where the data is stored, generally in .csv format.
This repo is a work in progress and there are many bad practices because I'm still learning. Most of the modules have a lot of my exploratory analysis throughout and are filled with outdated cells that I just commented out after I got whatever I wanted working.
- The code is written in Python 3 (so far).
- Shared and distributed primarily through Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb's).
- Most services depend on Pandas and NumPy for data manipulation
If you want to create something similar, feel free to use whichever pieces you see fit.
Honestly I copy-pasted the portions of whichever portion of a file I needed from other people, though I suppose you could clone it as well. Either way, you probably should enable a virtual environment:
If you haven't already then you should:
mkdir <repo_name, e.g. qs>
, otherwise,
cd <repo_name>
python3 -m venv <virtual_environment_name, e.g. venv>
source <virtual_environment_name>/bin/activate
Using your activated virtual environment (in front of your username in the terminal it should say something like: (<virtual_environment_name>) <username>@<username>:
, install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then navigate into your directory and launch an individual notebook or the full project with jupyter notebook or jupyter lab: