Quickly convert PNG files to ESC/POS format, for printing on Epson thermal point-of-sale printers.
This utility removes transparency from image, makes it grayscale and then encodes in ESC/POS format.
Written in pure Go/Golang.
Download binary from release tab.
./png2escpos <filename.png>:
Binary output in ESC/POS format will be written directly to stdout.
You can pipe this output directly into an Epson compatible thermal printer with:
Linux: ./png2escpos <file.png> > /dev/usb/lp0
macOS: ./png2escpos <file.png> | lpr -P NAME_OF_PRINTER
Or, if you have a network printer listening at
you can use socat to forward from stdin to network like this:
Linux: ./png2escpos <file.png> | socat STDIN TCP4:
macOS: ./png2escpos <file.png> | socat STDIN TCP4:
(you may have to install socat on macOS with brew install socat first)
Other commands:
help, --help, -h:
Shows this message
NielsLeenheer/EscPosEncoder - For the rasterization and ESC/POS encoding in JavaScript.
twg/png2escpos - For CLI usage pattern.