From new os
deprecated out of order !!!!!!
Prune old data from udm unifi
How to. . . . .
ssh [email protected] (udm-pro ip)
sudo -i
sudo apt install nano
//make the file
nano mongo_prune_js.js
// copy txt from the file mongo_prune_js.js above //
//Close and save the file
CTRL X and Y
//Perform a test run. To run a "dry run" issue the following commands:
sed -i 's/dryrun=false/dryrun=true/g' mongo_prune_js.js
mongo --port 27117 < mongo_prune_js.js
//Run the script. This will run the script without "dry run":
sed -i 's/dryrun=true/dryrun=false/g' mongo_prune_js.js
mongo --port 27117 < mongo_prune_js.js