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Nextcloud AppAPI Docker Socket Proxy

This is a Security-Enhanced proxy for the Docker Socket specifically for AppAPI.

It comes with built-in authentication and strict bruteforce protection.

The rules specifying which docker APIs are allowed for AppAPI are the same as in Nextcloud AIO.

When to use

We highly recommend to use it in all cases, except for Nextcloud AIO, in that case use the standard Nextcloud AIO Docker Socket proxy.


It is very important to understand that if you install ExApps on a remote daemon on an untrusted network, you should always use this docker socket proxy with TLS.

How to use

Docker in trusted network

docker run -e NC_HAPROXY_PASSWORD="some_secure_password" \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  --name nextcloud-appapi-dsp -h nextcloud-appapi-dsp \
  --restart unless-stopped --privileged -d

Instead of some_secure_password you put your password that later you should provide to AppAPI during Daemon creation.


Usually the bridge networks types in Docker are trusted networks.

Docker with TLS

In this case ExApps will only map host's loopback adapter, and will be avalaible to Nextcloud only throw HaProxy.

docker run -e NC_HAPROXY_PASSWORD="some_secure_password" \
  -e BIND_ADDRESS="x.y.z.z"
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v `pwd`/certs/cert.pem:/certs/cert.pem \
  --name nextcloud-appapi-dsp -h nextcloud-appapi-dsp --net host \
  --restart unless-stopped --privileged -d

Here in addition we map certificate file from host with SSL certificate that will be used by HaProxy and specify to use the host network.

You should set BIND_ADDRESS to the IP on which server with ExApps can accept requests coming from the Nextcloud instance.

This is necessary when using the “host” network so as not to occupy all interfaces, because ExApp will use loopback adapter.


If the certificates are self-signed, your job is to add them to the Nextcloud instance so that AppAPI can recognize them.


  1. Create a daemon from the Docker Socket Proxy template in AppAPI.
  2. Fill the password you used during container creation.

Additionally supported variables

HAPROXY_PORT: using of custom port instead of 2375 which is the default one.

BIND_ADDRESS: the address to use for port binding. (Usually needed only for remote installs, must be accessible from the Nextcloud)

TIMEOUT_CONNECT: timeout for connecting to ExApp, default: 10s

TIMEOUT_CLIENT: timeout for NC to start sending request data to the ExApp, default: 30s

TIMEOUT_SERVER: timeout for ExApp to start responding to NC request, default: 30s

NC_HAPROXY_PASSWORD_FILE: Specifies path to a file containing the password for HAProxy.


This file should be mounted into the container, and the password will be read from this file. If both NC_HAPROXY_PASSWORD and NC_HAPROXY_PASSWORD_FILE are specified, the container will exit with an error.

Only for ExApp installs with TLS:

  • EX_APPS_NET: determines destination of requests to ExApps for HaProxy. Default:localhost

  • EX_APPS_COUNT: determines amount of ports HaProxy will open to proxy requests to ExApps. Default:50

Example when operated on a different host

when the docker-socket-proxy is installed on a different host than Nextcloud, the following settings can be used with the TLS configuration. Ensure that the firewall is opened for the ports 2375, 23000-230xx (see EX_APPS_COUNT)

-e BIND_ADDRESS="" this needs to be the public ip of the host

-e EX_APPS_NET="[email protected]" required for the HaProxy to reach the sub containers

--net: host



To build image locally use:

docker build -f ./Dockerfile -t nextcloud-appapi-dsp:latest ./

Deploy image(for nextcloud-docker-dev):

docker run -e NC_HAPROXY_PASSWORD="some_secure_password" \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  --name nextcloud-appapi-dsp -h nextcloud-appapi-dsp --net master_default \
  --privileged -d nextcloud-appapi-dsp:latest

After that create daemon in AppAPI from the Docker Socket Proxy template, specifying:

  1. Host: nextcloud-appapi-dsp:2375
  2. Network in Deploy Config equal to master_default
  3. Deploy Config: HaProxy password: some_secure_password


We will emulate remote deployment still with nextcloud-docker-dev setup. For this we deploy nextcloud-appapi-dsp to host network and reach it using host.docker.internal.


Due to current Docker limitations, this setup type is not working on macOS. Ref issue: Support Host Network for macOS

First create Self-Signed cert for tests:

openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -subj '/CN=host.docker.internal' -sha256 -keyout certs/privkey.pem -out certs/fullchain.pem -days 365000 > /dev/null 2>&1
cat certs/fullchain.pem certs/privkey.pem | tee certs/cert.pem > /dev/null 2>&1

Place cert.pem into data/shared folder of nextcloud-docker-dev and execute inside Nextcloud container:

sudo -u www-data php occ security:certificates:import /shared/cert.pem

Create HaProxy container:

docker run -e NC_HAPROXY_PASSWORD="some_secure_password" \
  -e BIND_ADDRESS="" \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v `pwd`/certs/cert.pem:/certs/cert.pem \
  --name nextcloud-appapi-dsp -h nextcloud-appapi-dsp --net host \
  --privileged -d nextcloud-appapi-dsp:latest

After that create daemon in AppAPI from the Docker Socket Proxy template, with next parameters:

  1. Host: host.docker.internal:2375
  2. Tick https checkbox.
  3. Deploy Config: HaProxy password: some_secure_password

Known issues

IPv6 support


You need this only if IPv6 protocol is default on the remote machine with ExApps

Currently, not all external applications support the IPv6 protocol, and most often they listen only on IPv4, so in the case of using HTTPS when HaProxy forwards incoming connections, you should additionally specify the EX_APPS_NET variable when creating the container:

  -e EX_APPS_NET="ipv4@localhost"

Slow responding ExApps

Some AI applications may respond longer than the standard 30 seconds timeout defined in the HaProxy config.

An example of such an application: context_chat

For the successful operation of such applications, you can set custom config values through the environment variable during the creation of the DSP container with:

  -e TIMEOUT_SERVER="1800s"