- name: Generate PDFs
uses: opf/md-to-pdf-upload-action@v1
# md-to-pdf config file, relative to the root of the repository
config: "./md-to-pdf.config.yml"
# md-to-pdf styling folder, relative to the root of the repository
stylings: "./styling/"
# the nextcloud username for the upload
nextcloud-user: "pdf-bot-user"
# the nextcloud App key for the uploading user
nextcloud-app-access-key: "the secret app key; do not place here, use github secrets"
# the root folder on the nextcloud server where the files should be uploaded
nextcloud-upload-path: "https://nextcloud.example.com/remote.php/dav/files/pdf-bot-user/some-example-path/upload-folder/"
name: Generate PDFs
runs-on: [ ubuntu-latest ]
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: "main"
- name: Generate PDFs
uses: opf/md-to-pdf-upload-action@v1
config: "./md-to-pdf.config.yml"
stylings: "./styling/"
nextcloud-user: ${{ secrets.NEXTCLOUD_USERNAME }}
nextcloud-app-access-key: ${{ secrets.NEXTCLOUD_APP_ACCESS_KEY }}
nextcloud-upload-path: ${{ secrets.NEXTCLOUD_UPLOAD_PATH }}
- Create a stylings structure for md-to-pdf file in the your repository, see md-to-pdf styling
- Create a
file in the your repository.
If you don't use the repository root folder, you need to configure the locations to the styling folder and the yml file in your action config.
uses: opf/md-to-pdf-upload-action@v1
config: ".github/md-to-pdf-example-path/md-to-pdf.config.yml" # relative to the root of the repository
stylings: ".github/md-to-pdf-example-path/styling/" # relative to the root of the repository
All destination folders on Nextcloud must already exists, this action does not create folders.
The action will overwrite existing files with the same name in the destination folder on Nextcloud.
The action will not delete files in the destination folder on Nextcloud.
- documents:
- source: demo/demo.md
destination: demo-on-server/demo-file-on-server-1.pdf
styling: demo-styling
# you can create different groups, this is group 1
- default: # default values for all documents in this group
styling: demo-styling # name of file in the stylings folder WITHOUT extension (optional if all stylings are set in documents)
pdf_language: de # optional, language to be used in the PDF (Hyphenation)
pdf_footer_3: Seite <page> von <total> # optional, localized footer text
- source: demo/demo-de.md # mandatory, path to the markdown file, relative to the repository(!) root
destination: demo-path-on-server/de/demo-file-on-server-de.pdf # mandatory, path and filename to the destination on the server
styling: demo-styling # optional, overwrite default styling, if needed
pdf_footer: Demo-Datei Footer # optional, set a footer text for this document
# group 2 same as group 1 but with different language
- default:
styling: demo-styling
pdf_language: en
pdf_footer_3: Page <page> of <total>
- source: demo/demo-en.md
destination: demo-path-on-server/en/demo-file-on-server-en.pdf
pdf_footer: Demo File Footer
# group 3 with default stylings value
- default:
styling: demo-styling
- source: demo/demo-3.md
destination: demo-file-on-server-3.pdf
- source: demo/demo-4.md
destination: demo-file-on-server-4.pdf
# group 4 without default values
- documents:
- source: demo/demo-5.md
destination: demo-file-on-server-5.pdf
styling: demo-styling
- source: demo/demo-6.md
destination: demo-file-on-server-6.pdf
styling: demo-styling-2
For values starting with pdf_
see md-to-pdf frontmatter for available options.