Personal remove development environments.
This project is in active development to reach v1.
- Create
- Destroy
- List
- Refresh
- Provision
- Sync
- Stop
- Start
- Releases automation
- Integration tests
- GCP Support
This project aims to provide a relatively simple CLI to provision remove development envioronments.
Now that we have amazing remote development tools and projects (VSCode, JetBrains Fleet, Theia, etc.) I felt wanting a way to quickly spin up machines from a predefined config.
I wanted something that would provide a base, but allowed users to extend to their liking, so solutions like Gitpod/Codespaces/Cloud9 were not enough.
- Create instance config in
name: "foo"
description: "Primary remote development machine"
ami: ami-05e155ca52886ffe4
user: ubuntu
public: true
size: "t3.micro"
size: 10
type: "IO1"
backups: true
- files:
- ~/.yarnrc:/tmp/.yarnrc
- run: "ls -lah"
- run: "ls -lah /tmp"
- files:
- ~/.other:/tmp/files
- Execute
revel create
- Execute
revel provision