config files and scripts i use.
most of my work is in .local/bin with a bunch of shell scripts.
most dependencies probably won't be listed, but crazy rare ones will be. a few scripts (and config files) depend on other scripts, so like all dotfiles, skim through the content before copy+pasting.
kitty terminal
neovim, LSP stuff included
lf TUI file manager with ctpv previews
zsh interactive shell in vim mode with starship prompt
dash for posix scripting
sxhkd keybind daemon, very important
awesomewm with minimal config
dunst notifications
pure alsa config available, in process of converting that to pipewire
mpd and ncmpcpp for music
feh and nsxiv for images
keepassxc for passwords, document storage, secret service provider, and TOTP
keepmenu to access keepass database from dmenu, auto unlocked with secret storage
syncthing to sync password vault between devices, among other things
see the README.
not everything i write is in there; some of it is disorganized in other non-dot directories and written in C.
i use runit as a service manager (and init) for some things. see here
the beauty of runit or anything else that isn't systemd is you don't need the matching init system to run its services, as user or as root. just install runit and start it up somehow.