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Extremely simple boilerplate/starter/template for creating NPM packages using Rollup, TypeScript and esbuild. Compatible with ESM, CommonJS and UMD.


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Rolling Thunder Again

This repo contains a simple boilerplate/starter/template to create a NPM library using Rollup, TypeScript and esbuild. By default, it allows building the package in the following formats: ESM, CommonJS and UMD.

Getting started

Select the option Use this template from the repo actions while on Github, to create a new repository of yours.

Once your new repository has been created and you've cloned it as usual, you can follow the next steps:

cd your-new-repository
npm install

The name of your package needs to be updated in the rollup.config.js file.

const PACKAGE_NAME = 'your-package-name';

The source of your package should be located in the src folder with index.ts being the entry point of the module.

Optionally, you can create a pre-commit hook with husky and lint-staged.

npm run prepare

Available Scripts

npm run build builds the library to dist, generating these files:

  • dist/your-package-name.js A CommonJS bundle, suitable for use in Node.js, that requires the external dependency. This corresponds to the "main" field in package.json
  • dist/your-package-name.mjs an ES module bundle, suitable for use in other people's libraries and applications, that imports the external dependency. This corresponds to the "module" field in package.json
  • dist/your-package-name.umd.js a UMD build, suitable for use in any environment (including the browser, as a <script> tag), that includes the external dependency. This corresponds to the "browser" field in package.json
  • dist/your-package-name.d.ts the type definitions for your package

npm run dev builds the library, then keeps rebuilding it whenever the source files change using rollup-watch.


Apache 2.0.


Extremely simple boilerplate/starter/template for creating NPM packages using Rollup, TypeScript and esbuild. Compatible with ESM, CommonJS and UMD.








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