an example app using the dogstack framework. 🐶 🐶 🐶
see it live at
deploy a new copy of the assets (html, js, css) to netlify:
and deploy a new copy of the api to heroku:
Before we start, please
If you want to use this as a starting ground for your new app, simply fork this repository!
If you want to develop this example further,
git clone git://
cd dogstack-example
npm install
npm run db migrate:latest
npm run db seed:run
npm run dev
! 🐶 🐶 🐶
We're following the dogstack folder structure convention.
- root
- package.json
- server.js
- browser.js
- epic.js (combines all epics)
- updater.js (combines all updaters)
- style.js
- routes.js
)- dux
- services
- containers
- components
- getters
- styles
- util
Starts production server
npm start
Starts development server
npm run dev
Runs ava
Can optionally take a glob
npm test -- './todos/**/*.test.js'
Default glob is ./**/*.test.js
ignoring node_modules
Checks for standard style
Can optionally take a glob
npm run lint -- './todos/**/*.js'
default glob is ./**/*.js
ignoring node_modules
Runs knex
command, with any arguments.
npm run db migrate:latest
npm run db seed:run
Anything that a developer working on this app should know about.
heroku run npm run db migrate:latest --app=dogstack-example
Emoji artwork is provided by EmojiOne and is licensed under CC-BY 4.0
Random dog pictures provided by