Low level and efficient functions for simulating physical movements of a sailing boat.
Open a shell with dependencies and utilities:
$ nix-shell -p cmocka gcc pkgconfig clang clang-analyzer valgrind
Build and run tests:
$ make test
docker build -t quay.io/sails/libsailing .
As this is a library, you should include this image as part of a multi-stage build.
# Import the library
FROM quay.io/sails/libsailing:master as lib
# Now copy the pre-built libs into your container
FROM alpine:latest
COPY --from=lib /usr/local/lib/libsailing/* /usr/local/lib
COPY --from=lib /usr/local/include/libsailing/* /usr/local/include
# You now have all libsailing *.o and *.h available