Pretty much every product we deal with has a requirement to inform end users when we change things. We use Trello internally but don't necessarily what to make our Trello boards public.
This service compiles a public facing changelog by extracting Trello cards which are in the 'Done' list and have been explictly labeled as public.
You will need to supply Trello API credentials, the name of your 'Done' list and the name of the label you use to indicate that a card is public and should be included in the changelog.
In return you will get a list of changelog items sorted in date descending order. The public date is the date the card was moved into the done column.
A list of ChangeLogItem in date descending order.
"title": "Bug fix. Widget ordering",
"description": "The widget thingamagig now outputs content right side round.",
"date": "2018-10-16T18:29:50.828Z"
"title": "Widgets now available",
"description": "The system can now produce widgets.",
"date": "2018-09-09T19:55:37.025Z"