To build locally, you first need to install Stack. Follow the instructions at
Then execute
stack build
The provided Dockerfile
will build a small image for easy deployment and sandboxing.
Build it using the command
docker build -t ulrikrasmussen/boxprover .
Run the image in a container using
docker run --rm -it --ulimit nofile=1024:104875 -p 8000:8000 ulrikrasmussen/boxprover [public-url]
where public-url
is an optional argument that specifies the public URL that the application will be accessed at.
It defaults to http://localhost:8000
When the container is running, the application can be accessed in a browser by navigating to http://localhost:8000.
Note: The --ulimit
argument is needed to work around a performance issue due to the default maximum number of file descriptors being quite high in Docker containers and inefficiencies in the implementation of createProcess with close_fds=True