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Elixir plant Breeding API JSON ETL

  • Extract BrAPI endpoint.
  • Transform extracted data (into Elasticsearch bulk json, into JSON-LD, into RDF)
  • Load JSON into Elasticsearch or RDF into a virtuoso

I. Execution

From source code


  • Python version 3.6+
  • Python dependencies (pip install -r requirements.txt)
  • OR (prepeferd) use a virtual environment (pipenv, virtualenv, conda, etc) : pipenv install
The `` script can be used to launch the full BrAPI to elasticsearch or BrAPI to virtuoso ETL. To get the usage help run the following command:

$ pipenv run python --help

OR (if you have installed the dependencies in your environment)

$ python3

II. Configuration

ETL process configurations

The configurations for the ETL process is defined in the ./config folder.

Data sources

The BrAPI data source are described in the ./sources folder in JSON-LD format using the vocabulary. You can add data sources in this folder using one of the other data source as an example.

Here is an example of data source description:

  "@context": {
    "schema": "",
    "brapi": ""
  "@type": "schema:DataCatalog",
  "@id": "",
  "schema:identifier": "VIB",
  "schema:name": "VIB PIPPA",
  "brapi:endpointUrl": ""

The @id field contains the URI identifying the data source (we use the URL of the official web site for convinience), the schema:identifier contains a short identifier for this data source, the schema:name contains the display name and brapi:endpoint contains the URL of the BrAPI endpoint.

BrAPI endpoints requirements

Current BrAPI version: 1.3. Backward compatibility with 1.2 is ensured to a certain extent.

The BrAPI endpoint must implement the required calls (also listed in ./config/entities/ json files, note that the first element of each "call" array is the recomended implementation): Mandatory:

  • /brapi/v1/calls GET
  • /brapi/v1/studies GET
  • /brapi/v1/studies/{studyDbId}


  • /brapi/v1/germplasm GET
  • /brapi/v1/germplasm/{germplasmDbId} GET
  • /brapi/v1/variables GET
  • /brapi/v1/locations GET
  • /brapi/v1/locations/{locationDbId} GET
  • /brapi/v1/studies/{studyDbId}/germplasm GET
  • /brapi/v1/studies/{studyDbId}/observationvariables GET
  • /brapi/v1/trials GET
  • /brapi/v1/trials/{trialDbId} GET


  • /brapi/v1/germplasm/{germplasmDbId}/attributes GET
  • /brapi/v1/germplasm/{germplasmDbId}/pedigree GET
  • /brapi/v1/programs GET


  • /brapi/v1/observationunits GET (backward compatibility with phenotype-search)
  • /brapi/v1/studies/{studyDbId}/observationunits GET

See for specific details on BrAPI to elasticsearch ETL.